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I knew I should have worn a warmer sweater. The sharp, icy wind whipped through the thin fabric. I was so excited to meet Jay that I forgot to dress warmer. I was freezing my toes and my nose off. At least I had a hat and scarf to keep my ears and neck warm. The moon was in the sky. It reflected on the river as I watched Jay and my breath as we exhaled. Even the bridge we were sitting on was frigid.

I turned to Jay whose eyes were closed and said, "I'm cold." He removed his hoodie and handed it to me.

"Here, have my hoodie." I put it on.

"Thanks, Jay." I scooted closer to him.

My hands were frozen and I could barely move them but I forced them to hold Jay's hand. I saw him smile and I put my head on his shoulder. No matter how chilly or cold it was, I wished that moment could have lasted forever.

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