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Eventually, Friday came around and Layla and Jay said they had some news for us. I remember it was at the end of school.

"We have something to tell you guys." They said to us. In my head I knew what they were going to say but my heart didn't want to believe it. As a result, it hurt even more when they confirmed my suspicions. "We're dating." They said in unison. The news hit me like a ton of bricks. I stood there for a moment in disbelief but I knew it was true. My heart started to ache. A cloud of sadness hung over me like a storm cloud. I tried to mask it as best as I could.

I forced a smile on my face and said, "Congratulations guys! I have to go right now because my mom wants me to help make dinner but I'm so happy for you guys!"

I started speed walking towards the exit. "Jay, can I talk to you for a second?" Theia said angrily.

Before he could respond, she was pulling by the ear down a different hallway. I could feel my heart thumping like a bass drum in my chest. As I was getting on my bike, Theia called after me. She was too late though. I was already riding my bike as fast as I could towards home. I arrived home and went straight to my room, ignoring my brother calling my name. I locked the door, threw off my backpack, and flopped onto my bed. I was exhausted and my whole body ached. I bawled my eyes out until there were no tears left to cry and I just felt so...empty. I eventually fell asleep and I woke up late in the night. I checked my phone and had a whole bunch of missed calls and texts from Theia. I wasn't really in the mood to talk but I called her back anyway. It didn't take long for her to answer.

"Ophelia?" Theia asked.

"Are you okay?" I honestly didn't know what to say.

I wasn't sure so I just responded, "Yeah,"

"Are you sure? The way you reacted to the news didn't seem very genuine, like you were hiding your real feelings. Am I right?" She was right. Theia had this ability to read and see people's true feelings. She did extremely well reading Jay and I's feelings because she's known us for a while. I wasn't going to deny that what Theia was saying was the truth because it was.

"Yes, you're right." I said. "Do you maybe want to talk about it?" Did I want to talk about it? I didn't respond.

There was silence for a while until she asked, "Do you...like him?"

"What? No!" I said defensively.

"Then why'd you react the way you did?"

"I don't know! Maybe I just didn't want her to get in the way of our friendship. He's been spending so much time with her already. I'm just worried that he's going to completely abandon me, abandon us, for his relationship. I just don't want our friendship to be ruined because he got a girlfriend. He wouldn't leave us for her, would he?"

"I can't give you a guaranteed answer but I don't think he would do that. You know how much he cares about you. He wouldn't just throw away 10+ years of friendship for a girl. You know him better than me though, you've known him longer than I have. Do you, in your heart, think he would do that to you?"
"No," I responded. I didn't give my answer much thought. My answer was instant and automatic.

"Well there you have it. If that's what you feel then it's probably true so don't worry too much, alright? Don't forget, I'm here if you need me." She reminded me.

"Thank you, Theia."

"Anytime, Lia." I hung up and stared at the ceiling of my bedroom.

I felt a little bit better but I wasn't sure if I was telling the truth when she asked me a certain question. I shook my head. I shouldn't think about it. I should probably get some sleep. I pulled the covers over my body and fell fast asleep.

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