"And, and we took the duck home because it wouldn't stop following us and we didn't know where his mother was."

Layla could barely get through a sentence without laughing. I loved her laugh — not because it was soft and gentle — because it was uncontrolled, playful, and full of energy. We both laid in the grass and enjoyed the sun shining on our faces.

"What'd you name him?" I asked.

"We named him Henry."

"Why Henry?"

"It's just the first name that we all agreed on." I chucked. I was not expecting that to be her answer.

"What?" She sat up.

"I just thought that there would be some deep meaning behind his name."

Layla laid back down. "Nope."

She told me about a field that was peaceful and spacious. Layla also told me about this huge tree she loved to climb that was in the field.

When I asked what she would do when she climbed it and her answer was, "Nothing." Such a simple answer. "I love this place." Layla said. Her eyes were closed. She looked quite serene. "It's so tranquil and quiet. It's a great place to just let go and relax. When's the last time you've had a peaceful moment like this?"

I tried to think of a moment and the first memory that popped into my head was a memory with Ophelia. It was the winter of our freshman year. It was the last day of winter break and I wanted it to be memorable for her. I took Lia to Ferham bridge to overlook the river and gaze at the stars. I remember listening to the soft babble and rhythm of the water. The sky was beautiful and lucid but the weather was brisk and there was a bleak wind. I had come prepared for the weather. I wore two layers of shirts, a sweater, a hoodie, a scarf, and a hat. She only wore a hat, a scarf, a turtleneck, and a sweater. I closed my eyes and just focused on the sounds around me. It was pretty quiet until Ophelia told me that she was cold. I took off my hoodie and said, "Here, take my hoodie." She thanked me and put it on. Lia scooted herself closer to me and held my hand. I couldn't help but smile. I was so lucky to have her in my life. I bet Ophelia's hands were freezing. I know mine were. She didn't have any gloves on and neither did I. Lia put her head on my shoulder. I closed my eyes again. At that moment, I wanted time to freeze. I wanted the memory to last forever despite how frozen I was because she was worth it.

"Jay." I heard someone calling my name. "Ju Ju." It was Layla's voice. I got too deep into thought.

"Sorry. What was the question again?"

"I asked when was the last time you had a peaceful moment like this." She said.

"Oh yeah," I didn't want to mention Ophelia on our date. I felt ashamed for even thinking about her while I'm hanging out with my girlfriend. I'd already made the mistake of doing that multiple times without even realizing it. Layla was the one who brought it to my attention recently. I'll just tell her that I can't think of one. "I'm not sure. I can't really think of one. Sorry for spacing out."

"It's all good. I think everyone should have a moment like this every once and awhile."

Layla sat up and looked at me mischievously.

"Layla, wha—" Before I could ask what she was thinking she grabbed my arm and started rolling down the hill. I tumbled ahead of Layla. Finally I stopped rolling. I landed on my front so I rolled onto my back. Not long after I did that, she stopped tumbling and landed on top of me. We both started laughing. "What was that for?" I asked through my laughter.

"I just thought it would be fun. I want this to be a memorable experience for you." Layla was still sitting on top of me and I was starting to blush but so was she. "Would you mind if I...kissed you?" She asked, tucking her hair behind her ear. I didn't know what to say so I just said what I thought I was supposed to say.

"Y...yeah, sure." Layla cupped my face and started to lean in. "Wait." She leaned back and frowned. "I d...don't know how." I told her, embarrassed. Layla smirked.

She held my face with her hands and leaned in again. "Don't worry, I can show you."

When our lips met, Layla took control and I just followed her lead. After a while it became natural for me. I felt the warmth of her skin on mine and tasted the sweetness of her lips. Layla smelled like lemons and lavender. When she kissed me I craved more but everything must come to an end. Layla pulled away and we were both able to catch our breath. She laid in the grass. I sat up and brushed my fingers over my lips. I felt all fuzzy inside. I guess this is what it feels like to be kissed.

"Can I tell you about something serious?" Layla sat up and looked at me.

"Of course."

"My biggest fear is losing the people I love. That one day they just disappear? What would I do then?"

I wasn't expecting her to say that. I don't know what I was expecting but it definitely wasn't that. "Well...that's why you hold them as close as you can for as long as they're around."

Layla pulled me in for a hug and whispered, "You should hold the people you love close too, Jay." I hugged her back.

"Please don't leave me." She pleaded.

"I won't." I promised her.

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