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I arrived home and greeted my mom.

"Hi, mom."

"Hi, sweetie. How was school?"

"It was fine. Jay got mad at me, I think he's still mad at me."

"Why?" Asked my mom, worried.

"I met with Layla, Jay, and Lia in the library during lunch. I did that so we could all talk with each other about our problems. Jay lost his temper because he was hangry. Ophelia left with him but by the time they were done talking, lunch was over. Jay wasn't very happy about that."

"I'm sure he won't be mad at you anymore if you give him some snacks."

"Yeah," I said rolling my eyes. "That boy loves his snacks."

"Also, who's Layla?" I forgot to tell my mom about Layla. I was surprised that she didn't ask earlier when I talked about her. My mom probably assumed it was one of my friends.

"Oh, she's Jay's girlfriend."

"What about Ophelia?"

I sighed. "Things have been...complicated between them lately. It's been obvious that they like each other for years! Ophelia was clearly heartbroken when Jay told us that he was dating Layla. That idiot didn't even notice and he's known her longer than I have!"

"He doesn't have your talent for knowing what people are feeling. What's this Layla girl like?"

"She's sweet and caring. She also really loves Jay. I'm glad that Jay seems happy with Layla but at the same time I want them to break up so Jay and Ophelia's ship can sail!"

"That seems like quite the dilemma. You already know who I'm rooting for."

I laughed. "Yes." My mom has been a part of the Japhelia ship for a while now. She always asks me about them.

While I was walking up the stairs to my room, she shouted, "Don't let the ship sink, Captain!"

I smirked and shook my head. I closed my bedroom door and sat in my ceiling chair. I took my phone out of my front pocket. I opened the IMessage app and found my boyfriend's name:

Me: Hi

Jamie: Hey babe
Jamie: Do u have a plan?

Me: Not really, I usually just improvise.

Jamie: but shouldn't we have a plan if we want this to work?

Me: not necessarily. When you make a plan there's always a possibility that it could go wrong.

Jamie: I guess that's true but things can go wrong when you improvise too.

Me: yeah but in a plan you have to improvise if your plan fails so it wouldn't be so different.

Jamie: Yeah but...nvm

Me: Babe?

Jamie: yeah?

Me: Can I ask you something

Jamie: yeah

Me: do you know why most people come to me for advice?

Jamie: I think it's because they trust that you'll be able to help them. It also might be that you're approachable, understanding, compassionate, and you always seem to know what to say.

Me: thanks

Jamie: no problem. So about Operation Get Jay and Ophelia Together, it's going to be all improvised?

Me: Basically

Jamie: and no intervening whatsoever?

Me: other than the occasional leaving them along together, no. It's important to be subtle so they don't notice

Jamie: okay. Are you still coming over tomorrow?

Me: of course ;)

Jamie: just checking lol

I hoped Jay and Ophelia would talk with each other soon. According to Lia, they hadn't. I really hated seeing them so distant from each other. Maybe I should call them. See if they're doing okay. I waved away the thought. I should let them figure it out on their own...right? I'll just text them. Sometimes I worry about people too much.

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