Chapter 6

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I'm so sorry! This week have been crazy! Here comes a new part for you guys.

Jesse's P.O.V.

A week later

I where still watching Mia's last video. She laid it out for about fourteen hours ago.

I started it again, she had on a hat. She looked so herself.

"I'm sorry for not putting out any covers this week. I had a week off, doing many changes. Nathan and I thought it would be good with changes. That's why..." she took off her hat, showing her blond hair. "I dyed my hair blond. I also had broken a couple of my dad's rules. Like piercing," she took up her top and showed a piercing in her bellybutton, and stuck her tongue out, reviling a piercing there too. "I also have these, lovely tattoos." She said, taking away some of her blond hair, showing a little heart in her neck. She took down her top and she had a big, growling wolf at her right shoulder, and when she turned a little to the side, she had a crying wolf on her right arm. When she took her left hand up, she had a tattoo with the words 'Love' on her wrist. "People may think I am crazy, however, it's still me, and I hope people still wants to listen to my music." She took a break, before looking at the camera again. "I better go now, my plane leaves soon, and I can't miss my flight back to US," there the video ended.

I do not know how many times I had replayed this video. I still could not believe that she would do that, change her hair color, get piercings and tattoos. I looked at the time the video came out, fourteen hours. She would be home now. I got up from the chair I had been in for days and went to my door. I drove to Mia's house, inside I could see two people dancing and laughing, one of them where Mia. Once they saw me, they stopped. Mia froze; she looked at me for very long.

Then, after about 2 minutes, she turned around and disappeared. I went out of my car and to her door. I used a few seconds before I rang the doorbell. After a few seconds the door opened, and the person who came out, where her brother, Nathan.

"What are you doing here Jesse?" he asked.

"I'm here to talk to Mia," I said.

"She don't want visitors, especially not from you!"

"I need to talk to her!" I said talking a step closer.

"It's ok Nathan," I heard someone say behind him, Mia where standing behind Nathan with a black, strapless jumpsuit.

"You're sure?" Nathan asked. She nodded and went outside to me.

"What do you want Jesse?" She said looking directly at me.

"Can we talk somewhere else?"

"Why? Is it so awful or embarrassing that Nathan can't hear it?"

"No, but..."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I just don't feel like telling your brother about my problems," I looked at her as a car drove up.

"His not your only problem," Mia said looking at the car. Sara.

"Jesse, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay away from her," She was angry.

"Sara..." I started.

"No Jesse, the only thing you have been doing since she came back is running after her. I saw you following her that day she went on a run with her dogs. I knew you were in her house a week ago; you just can't let her go of her Jesse," Sara said almost crying.

"Sara..." I started again.

"No Jesse, last time I told you to stay away from her, if not it would be over. Jesse, I can't do this anymore, I'm sorry Jesse... it's over," Sara went to her car and drove away.

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