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Mia's POV.

Jesse and I were at the beach, our favorite place to be in the summer, but this would be the last time we maybe ever do this. Jesse would go to an actor job, Summerland, and then he would not come home for a long time. Even if we already lives in Los Angeles, close to the filming spot he would live in an apartment closer to the filming spot. I have a secret too, I will be moving away, my father ships me overseas to Britain, to my mother's place, and then I would not come back.
"Jesse, I have to tell you something!" I said facing him.
"What is it? Something about me going away? You know I'll be back! I will even come and visit you here!" he said and smiled.
"If you leave this will be our last day. My dad ships me away to my mother in some place called Newtonmore in Britain, and I don't know if I ever be back!" Jesse looked shocked.
"How long have you known this?" he said.
"A week," I looked at his angry face.
"You have known this a week and you didn't tell me? I would have told you! I just can't believe you! We have known each other for years and this little thing you don't tell me?" Jesse yelled and started to walk away.
"Jesse, come on!" I said.
"Leave me alone! I will never talk to you again!" Jesse disappeared and I was alone on the beach. I could not believe what I just heard; he will never talk to me again?

Jesse's POV

"You said what to her?" my mother was pissed that I had been so rude to Mia.
"Come one, wouldn't you be angry if your best friend didn't tell you she were leaving?" I said.
"Jesse Abraham Arthur McCartney go and say sorry to Mia!" my mom always used my whole name when she was angry on me. I just looked at her as if I did not care. "NOW!"
"Fine, I go!" I said before I went out of the house and down the street to the Jefferson-house. I knocked on the door, and Mr. Jefferson opened the door.
"Jesse, Mia is in the music room, just go down there you. She's covering a song again," Mr. Jefferson said.
"Thank you!" I said. I went down the stairs to the music room and I could hear Mia sing from inside. Avril Lavigne - I'm With You. I opened the door quietly.
"What do you want Jesse?" Mia said.
"I just wanted to say sorry! I really am!" I said.
"Did you're mother send you? She always does when we fight!" Mia was always so stubborn.
"You are always like that!" I started to walk away.
"I love you!" I whispered.
"What did you say?" Mia looked at me with her brown eyes; she always had that puppy-look at her face.
"I said; I love you!" I looked at her, she looked shocked, and she just stood there and looked at me.
"Is this a trick for making me stay?" she looked at me confused and walked to me, and faced me.
"No, it's not a trick, I love you, I always have and I always will!" I looked at her she still looked shocked. I leaned in and kissed her gently on her lips, and she kissed me back. "If you promise to come back as fast as you can, I promise to don't get a girlfriend till you do! And I wait until we have said goodbye before I go tomorrow! Deal?" I looked at her.
"Deal!" she said and looked at me before she leaned in and gave me another kiss.

Mia's POV

I woke up early that morning, only to say goodbye to Jesse. I walked overto his house and knocked on the door. Mrs. McCartney opened.
"Jesse didn't tell you?" she said.
"Tell me what?" I looked at her.

"Jesse had to leave yesterday, they start filming today," she looked at me, "he left this for you though," Mrs. McCartney gave me a letter, or more of a package.
"Ok, bye!" I said, she closed the door and I went home.
"Come on baby! Your flight leaves at six!" my father where stressed out, my flight would go today and we needed to go. My dad went down, drove the car out of the garage, and parked outside before he got my bag and took them in the car. I went to his car slowly, I did not want to leave, I did not leave Jesse, I did not want to leave my friends, and I did not want to leave LA!
"I'm sorry you have to leave, but I need the time alone to open my new business, you can be quite a handful sometimes!" my dad looked at me. "If you don't like you there you come home, just call me and come back! But give your mother a chance she misses you! And now, I be missing you!"
He followed me to the gate and gave me a hug. "Flight 402 to ScotRail Airport boarding now!"
"I'll be missing you dad! I will come back!" I said, gave him a hug and left.

Two days later

It was nice to be with my mother again, we had so much fun. School would soon start again, but I would be ok. I was thinking about Jesse a lot, but he did not answer when I tried to call him or when I send him an e-mail.

Jesse's POV

I missed Mia, but when I came on set of Summerland, I met someone else. Her name is Sara Paxton, she is going to play my girlfriend, and I cannot wait for that! It is not that I do not miss Mia, but I will never meet her again, I broke one of my promises, so why would she hold hers? That first year I hold my eye on her, she lay out music covers, she were great, but after a while, I stopped.

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