Chapter 5

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Picture of Bella (left) and Rex (right).

"So you are saying that the three girl with the big, red haired that walked next to me and Sara that day where you and your friends? I thought it was three celebrities trying not to get caught."

"It was us, four days after we came to Los Angeles on our honeymoon," Mia said and smiled.


"Yes, three brothers married at the same day. Maybe that is why we got so good friends."

"Married twice, pregnant once, and now you are here after ten years. Why didn't you come back earlier?"

"I read an article about you and Sara, a few weeks later I met Jason, and then I didn't see the point of going back to LA, you seemed to be happy with her. When Jason died, I thought of going back, then mom got sick and I met Joseph, so it didn't happen. Then mom died and after that Joseph. All was just bad memories, so dad said that maybe it would be a good thing to move back, forget everything that had happened the last ten years. And here I am." She looked over at me.

"You know you are too late right? I proposed to Sara a few days ago." I looked over at her.

"I know. I didn't expect everything to go back as it was, it's 10 years since I left. I am 25 years old I have changed. Everyone around me notice that, if they have known me for over 5 years."

"Everyone change in ten years, I have changed too. However, I haven't been married before, like you."

"Don't rub it in." she looked over at one of her dogs, the white pitbull laid in his bed on front of the oven. I followed her look, the dog where looking at me.

"When did you get them?" I looked over at her again.

"I got Rex four years ago, and Bella a year later, both of them where puppies when I got them. They have been here for me since," she held her look at the white dog. When it all of a sudden started barking before running to the kitchen window. I looked after it, then I saw Sara's car on Mia's driveway. I felt like my world was dropping, if Sara saw me, we would definitely be over!

"Do you have a place I can hide? I can't risk everything for only a talk," Mia looked at me.

"Up the stairs, the door longest in to the left," she said and I ran up the stairs just as the doorbell rang.

Mia's P.O.V.

I opened the door, only to see Sara's face.

"What?" I asked and looked at her.

"What a welcome," she said, rolling her eyes.

There was a long silence, me getting more and more irritated.

"Well, I'm not here to say I'm sorry. I just wanted to warn you, never get in touch with Jesse again! His first crush, well that was what you did, you crushed him, and you have no idea how long he was talking about you. And soon I actually can decide who he can see or not," she showed me the ring," and you are one of the persons he is not allowed to talk to!" she took a step forward and took a good grip on my arm.

Then Rex and Belle reacted, especially Rex, he started to growl and bark.

"So this is your famous dogs, can't say they are any special!" Sara said, and Rex took a step closer to us and started to bark again. Sara reacted with letting go of my arm. "You should have more control of your dogs!"

"I have good control, if I didn't you would already have been bitten!"

"Come on, if I had that breed I would have could control them better than you!" Sara said.

"You ever had a dog?" I looked over at her.

"No, never had an animal!" Sara said with a smile.

"Then a pitbull maybe aren't the best dog to start with, because they need a lot of training," I said.

"Hah!" she said before walking down the stairs and walked to her car.

"Jesse, it's safe to come down now!" No answer. "Jesse!" Still no answer. I locked the door before walking up the stairs. I opened the guestroom door, no Jesse in there. Suddenly I heard someone on the room above, my room. I opened the door and there Jesse where standing, looking at my pictures.

"You still have all those photos of us." Jesse said.

"Why wouldn't I? I never forgot you, you where my childhood friend..."

"And crush, don't forget that!"

"Of course not, you heard my friends didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. And I thought it was quite weird when I heard your friends say that!"

"Because you didn't know me?"

"Exactly, but now I do," Jesse said and smiled.

"I have changed a lot, you don't know a lot about me. I'm changed, I've grown up."

"You say I don't have grown up? That's what you wanted to say?" Jesse snapped and started to walk away, towards the front door.

"No, that's not what I meant!" I said just as he slapped the door in my face.

Wow, he is stubborn! Ok, since he is like that I will make him sweat a little if he even wants to see me later. I called my brother and told me about my plans, he would watch over my dogs and I would go for a little holiday to London, only to see if he cares.

"Can you promise me something?" Nathan had just arrived at my house, I where leaving in a few hours, and soon I would be on my way to the airport.

"What?" I asked.

"When you come to London, I want you to dye your hair, do something unexpected, because as you said, you have changed a lot; do whatever you want to do for once in a life time. Break the rules girl!" Nathan looked at me.

"I will, it's going to be unexpected, even for you." I said, "I see you in a week!" I went outside and to the taxi. I could see Jesse standing with his car. The taxi drove towards the airport. And I could see Jesse's look as he understood where I was going. He looked quite worried. The taxi stopped and let me off. I paid and went inside. I needed to hurry; Jesse would as usually try to get me to do what he wants. I got my ticket, send my bag to the plane and went to the safety control. As I went through, I saw Jesse on the other side, he looked so sad. I felt bad, but I promised Nathan.

Tomorrow I leave for a holiday, the Internet there is not the best, so I do not know if I will be able to put out another chapter until Monday in a week.

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