Chapter 9

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Well, now it's only 2 chapter left. So I hope you'll enjoy them.

Mia's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up by the sound of a message.

"Good morning beautiful! I was wondering if you wanted to do something today? Maybe lunch?"

I knew that if I did get involved I would be hurt. But if I did not, I would be hurt too. Then I would lose him forever.

"Are you awake?" he send another message.

"I just woke up, and I would love to do something, lunch sounds perfect!" I answered him.

I got up and looked around for something to wear. What should I go in? I went with a pair of leather pants and a black top with some gold on it. I took with me one of my high heels and my Chanel clutch before going downstairs.

"I'll pick you up at 11," Jesse had send another message.

"I'll be ready then!" I looked at the clock. 10:30, only 30 minutes left. I let my dogs out then I went to the bathroom and did my make-up routine. I got out of the bathroom and took on my high heels. At 11 AM Jesse's car pulled up the driveway. I went out and walked over to his car.

"Wow, you look stunning!" he said as I got in.

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself!" I said and smiled. "Where are we going?"

"Starbucks," he kept his eyes on the road.

"Starbucks?" I looked at him.

"Yes, I was thinking that we could do as we used to. Get a drink at Starbuck, then go to Subway and get food, and another coffee." He smiled. "You remember we used to do that?"

"Yes, we always did that. All the time when we were younger. All the time since we started to like coffee, and if I remember right, we were pretty young."

"Yeah, we were. I remember when we were smaller, you drank coffee before me, and you just loved it, so your mom wanted to switch you to decaf. So we used all our money on going to Starbucks and Subway."

"You actually remember that? Because that's a long time ago. Mom and dad divorced too long ago."

"Yeah, it is. I remember when they told you, you ran away. They were so mad at me; they thought I was hiding you somewhere inside the house. Then my parents had to tell them than I hadn't seen you in a week because I had just came home from camp. Then when I heard that you were gone I ran to our secret spot, and there I found you, singing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, I had just heard that song before, but you could every word of it."

"We were close at that time."

"Best friends." He looked over at me.

"I guess everything just fell apart after you told me you loved me."

"I would say after I left, I felt like it was my entire fault."

"That package you gave me, I used like two years before I opened it, I was so mad at you."

"I was mad at you, that's why I never answered your calls or your e-mails." He said as he parked outside of Starbucks.

We went outside and into Starbucks.

"What do you want?" the woman behind the desk asked.

"A Latte thank you," I heard Jesse said, and looked at me.

"Espresso thank you."

"Coming up right now," she said.

"Going strong, huh?" Jesse asked and smiled.

"I need something to keep me up all day, so why not espresso."

"All day?" he said and smirked.

"Not that way stupid!" I said laughing.

"Here you go!" the woman said and gave us the cups.

"Thanks," I said. Then we went to his car again.

"Next stop Subway," Jesse said and drove off. We drove a few minutes and then I could see Subway. We went inside and looked at the menu.

"What do you want?" the man said.

"I'll take a taco sub," I said.

"Make that two," Jesse said.

"Coming up in a few," the man said. It took a few minutes, and then he came with it. "Here you go!"

I took my sub and walked over to the car.

"So, where next?" I asked.

"Well, I haven't actually planed that out," Jesse looked over at me.

"We never watched the movie we were supposed to see. We could see it now."

"Ok, home to you it is," Jesse put the car in gear and drove off.

As he pulled up in my driveway, I could see the dogs in the window, they looked so eager.

"They knows somethings up, you have been here more than three times," I looked over at him and laughed.

"Really? Your dogs know that?" he started to laugh too.

"They know a lot!" we went up the house, and I locked up.

"You want a beer?" I asked.

"Sure," he looked at me and smiled. "I'll find the movie!"

I went to the fridge and got two beers. When I walked into the living room, I found Jesse sitting on the floor. "Found something?" he looked up at me.

"This," he said holding up.

I hope you liked this. Now it's only one chapter left.

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