Chapter 8

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Two days later

It has been two days since Jesse left me. Dad called me right the day after everything happened. He said that Jesse had wanted to move forward with his world tour, he wanted to plan it as fast as possible. Then when he was finished with his world tour, he wanted to be busy with his new album. Everything to be away from me.

That night I went to a party, I just needed my mind somewhere else that on this. I got there, the music where loud, people where dancing. Today it was karaoke night too... you might wonder what that is. Well karaoke night is one night every month, they choose a girl and a boy and they have to sing the chosen song. As easy as that, they choose people random, except when they know something about those two, if they are together, enemies, best friends, fighting, they know it all.

I sat down at the bar as the bartender came closer.

"What can I bring the lady?" he asked.

"A Mojito," I answered. He made it and gave it to me. "Thank you."

"Ok, let's choose the next couple up here. Apparently, from what I have heard. This couple have known each other for a long time, they were separated for a long time, they have met many times, but they always end up with a fight. I bet you know who you two are, if not, I will tell you. Welcome Mia Harmon and Jesse McCartney."

At first I just sat there... he has to be kidding. Then when Jesse got up on stage, I just had to go up there. The music started as I got up there, they had never chosen a song like this before, a quite old song, from a movie send on Disney Channel, Camp Rock. "This is me, by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas". I sang Demi's parts and Jesse sang Joe's parts.

When we were finished both of us just went down and sat down separately. I decided to get another drink, so I went at the bar again.

"Let me guess, Mojito?" the guy at the bar said.

"You guessed right!" I said.

"I'll pay for it," I heard someone say behind me. I looked behind, Jesse.

"You don't need to do that you know. And watch out, there might be paparazzi's around here that takes a photo of us."

"Mia, I'm so sorry for being suck an idiot, I didn't mean it, especially not against you. Can you ever forgive me?" he looked at me.

"Sure can," I said and smiled. I drank up the Mojito and looked at him. "I should get home; I can't stay out all night."

"Mind if I join you?" Jesse looked at me.

"Don't mind at all," I basically knew this would never work, we were not like before, we were strangers for each other. Always on each other's throat.

We ordered a cab and was home in 10 minutes. I went out of the cab and towards my house. Jesse followed me close. I locked up and let him in, before I locked the door after me. I went into the kitchen and took a glass of water.

Jesse's P.O.V.

I went into the kitchen, she was on the counter yet again, it was like it was her favorite place to be.

"You remember the last time both of us was in here?"

"How can I forget?" she looked at me as I came closer. "Jesse," she said, as I got closer. "You know it won't work."

"How can you know that it won't? We never have tried."

"We tried and tried, nothing seems to work. So why would it work this time?"

"Because this time we will try, both of us will try our best. This is what I wanted all along, you can't change my hope and wish."

"Really? Then you need to show it, because I cannot go around and wondering if this is the right thing or if it's not. I need to know."

"Deal, I will try my best to do anything you want!" I said and smiled. "I should get going; I have a meeting tomorrow morning at my place!" I went out of her house and to my house.

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