Chapter 4

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Here comes a new part for you guys.

Mia's P.O.V.

The next morning my father called. Ok, Sara and Jesse have talked to dad!

"I got a call from Jesse McCartney yesterday, he was quite angry because you had been rude to Sara and him, and he told me that this wasn't the first time this have happened. He told me that I had to choose, if I kept you he would find someone else, and I'm sorry, but I have to let you go! You can come by my office at twelve and get your stuff."

An hour left, I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I went to my room to get dressed. I choose one of my summer dresses, a white, strapless, short dress. As I came out of my room, my two pitbull dogs came running up to me.

"I guess you two are hungry, huh?" I walked into my kitchen and took some of their food in their bowls before giving it to them. Then I went to make me some food, ok, I was not actually hungry I took an apple before I went up to do my make-up.

15 minutes before 12 I went out to my Challenger and drove to my father's business. The first thing I saw was Jesse's car, great. I went into the building and up to my dad's office.

"I thought you got fired, and you're still here?" I heard a person say behind me.

"I'm here to pick up my stuff, so don't worry, I won't be here long!" I said as I entered my dad's office.

"Honey, close the door please!" I heard my dad said.

"Honey, close the door please! Wait honey?" I heard as I closed the door.

"You know that I don't want to fire you, but I have to! In this business you have to behave like you like everybody, even if you don't like them, you have to act professional in this business! I guess I talk to you later, and I hope you still comes to my wedding. I think Jesse wanted to talk to you, so I kind of gave him your address!"

"You did what?"

"I had to, he's a real good client, and I can't lose him!"

"So you would rather lose your daughter than a client?" my father went silent, he also went stiff, he did not move at all. I grabbed my stuff before I left the room. My father had not moved at all.

"Goodbye dad!" I closed the door, went straight to my car, and drove off.

A week later

After a week, I still had not talked to my father, or Jesse, or anyone. The only thing I had done was watching old photos, listen to music and let my dogs out and in. Today I had decided to take a long walk with my dogs. I went and took on my training pants and a thin sweater and went down.

"Come on Rex, Bella, you wanna go on a walk?" I yelled and both dogs came running from wherever they were. I took on their leach and went outside. I started to walk down the street where I lived. Soon I took on my headset and started the music on my phone. After about 10 minutes I started to run, I did not know where, I just ran.

Jesse McCartney's P.O.V.

After that day Mia took her last step in Mr. Jefferson's office, I had a lot on my mind. I had a long talk to Mr. Jefferson that day, about what I heard he said, honey, which was not normal to call someone you work with. I wanted to talk to her, I knew where she lived, but both Mr. Jefferson and Sara said I should not. Maybe they were right; maybe I should not do it. Maybe a long walk would clear my mind, it always did and I guess always will.

I took on my training outfit before I went out of my house and down the street. After a few minutes, I thought I saw Mia, but it could not be her, she would never have two pitbulldogs by her side, she did not look like that kind of a person that would go with two dangerous dogs by her side. Then she crossed the road, it was her, she was the girl that went on a walk with her two pitbulls. She started to run again.

I took a good look around me before I started to follow her. Now I was going to talk to her, I needed to clear everything with her, it could not be Mia Jefferson, she would have told me that.

"Come on Mia, you have to tell him someday, you can't keep it a secret forever! He will eventually find it out, and then is nothing you can do about it. You told me how angry he got when you told him you were leaving. This is not a small thing, this it's big. He is going to freak when he hears that your name was Mia Jefferson a few years back. He is going to be so angry, especially when you tell him that you have been married twice, been pregnant one time, live by your own and the only thing you actually have left are your two dogs and the money from your marriages. You have changed a lot since you moved away 10 years ago. Well, you both have, but he only cares about his girlfriend, he only listens to her and no one else. You on the other hand, you care about many people, Sara is not like that, she only cares about her reputation, and how she looks in the media. Jesse is a big star, and he started to make a great impression when he was on Summerland, she chose him, and she will choose him until he makes a mistake that the media don't like, then she will find someone with a much better reputation than Jesse."

"How do you know all this?" I heard she asked.

"Before I got in the music industry I was a paparazzi, and I saw a lot of girls do that. They chose the guy that was most in the media with all the good stuff, the hottest guy that everyone wanted. Some of them loves the bad boys that are in the media all the time, when they are like these angels in front of the camera they look more angel like, and if the boys make one big change, the media is all over the girl to see if she was the one who changed him. Not all girl are like that, but I know that Sara is a person like that!"

"How do you know that?"

"She uses him, you can see that yourself, he do exactly what she says, he listen to go there, do that, everything she says he do, she uses him as a puppet, you have already seen it a lot of times. When you were supposed to drive Jesse wherever he wanted to go Sara was the one in charge. It's so obvious!"

'One more word and I will stop them, Sara is not like that! Never, she has never been like that! He is so wrong!'

"How are you? It must be weird to move from Europe and all the way to USA again, and then find out that your childhood crush are with another girl, and that your father is going to marry your crushes, girlfriend's mother and that she is now your stepsister..."

"Ok Nathan, enough! Don't rub it in my face! Is not even funny!"

"Well, I only wanted to know how you feel!" I heard he said.

"I am ok, I could have been better, but I survive even if no one cares about me!"

"I care, and I always will care!"

I took a step forwards and I could see them hug. When I looked at them, I could feel a pain in my chest. 'Why do I feel like this?'

"Thanks Nathan, you are the best brother ever!"

I heard she started to walk again.

"I see you later!" this time the voice where closer, I needed to hide, she could not see me. I found a big tree to hide behind and stood there. I could clearly hear that she came closer and closer, until she stopped right next to the tree.

"Jesse, I know you are behind the tree! And I know you were following me and listening to me and Nathan!" I did not answer maybe she eventually would go.

"Fine, if you don't want to talk, I guess I just go! And maybe you see me again in a few months, and then I won't talk to you, or maybe I should punish you even more, maybe I should stop talk to you for 10 more years!" she started to walk.

"Come on!" I could hear she said to her two dogs, and they started to run.

'Should I just let her go, or should I actually talk to her? Maybe she would tell me why she didn't come back earlier and the other things?'

I ran after her, she had gone so far already. I just hoped that no one saw me now. The headlines would be big, and Sara would never forgive me. Then she would find someone else after all these years.

Mia went into a street, to a big house, unlocked it and went inside. I went to the door and knocked. After a few seconds, she opened.

"What are you doing here Jesse?" She took a bite of the apple she was holding.

Mia's summerdress on the side

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