Stranger a Jesse McCartney fan fiction

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This is one of my first stories, so I cannot promise it will be very good, but I try my best. This time I try on a Jesse McCartney fan fiction.

Jesse McCartney and Mia Jefferson are best friends when they were young. However, some dramatic happens and their friendship is tear apart.

Then 10 years later they meet again, Mia completely different, different clothes styles, different personality and have grown up to the better.
Jesse McCartney have not change a lot, he have changed his hair color, and his personality is completely different.

Mia's father have opened an agency after Mia left. An agency that watch over celebrities, and one of the celebrities are no one else than Jesse McCartney. When he first come in to the building Mia recognize him right away, but he do not recognize her. Her father wants her in his office when he is going to talk to him. Mia only remembers the nice, sweet Jesse, but he has changed, his rude, angry and the only thing he cares about is his girlfriend he says he loves over the whole world.

Mia still likes Jesse, but will everything change when Jesse is starting to be rude to her, use her as his personal slave when he hangs out with anyone and when he needs to do things? What will happen when Jesse get to know whom Mia really is?

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