Chapter 2

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I will update more often from now on!

"You have to be ready; Jesse and Sara are coming for dinner this afternoon, Jesse wanted me to see that Sara is a good girlfriend. They be here at four," my dad said.

I went up to my room and decided to take a shower. I went to my bathroom and looked at my watch; it was around three so I would have and hour on me. I took of all my clothes before I went in the shower. It took around 20 minutes before I got out of the bathroom. I chose a tube top, a pair of black jeans and some high heels before I went downstairs. I looked at the clock again; it was 15:30, still half an hour until Jesse and Sara would come.

I went downstairs to the music room. And started to find out some songs I could sing.

Jesse's POV

Sara and I came half an hour earlier; I wanted to talk to Mr. Jefferson before Mia came.

As we came in to the living room I could hear that someone was down at the music room, I could not see Mr. Jefferson so I took a guess and went down stars with Sara. I could see Mia stand there, why did she come so early? I watched the mixing table and found out I would mess a little. She were singing Avril Lavigne- Alice, but I put it pause and took on the next song, she started to sing Taylor Swift - Teardrops on my guitar. I paused it again and put on the next song. Avril Lavigne- I'm with you. Instead of singing, she came out of the room.

"Stop messing with my covers!" she said and walked away. Sara and I walked after her up the stairs to the living room. Mr. Jefferson was in the kitchen and make food. Mia went to the living room with Sara and I went to the kitchen to talk to Mr. Jefferson.

"What is Mia doing here so early?" I asked.

"She lives here, just till she get her own place to live!" he answered.

"She lives here?" I said.

"Its dinner!" he did not answer on that.

After dinner, we ate dessert in the living room, and now I wanted to talk about Sara and me.

"As you can see Sara is perfect!" I said and looked at her and she looked at me.

"You just say that she is perfect because she is your girlfriend!" Mia said.

"No, I say that because I really like her!" I said and looked at her.

"Doesn't mean that everyone think she is perfect!" Mia did not look at me but in a very different direction.

"You are so judgmental; I don't even think you have had a boyfriend!" I had kind of a hardness in my voice, but she deserved it. Suddenly I could see her eyes where filled with tears and she ran away, she ran up the stairs and closed a door.

"I think it's time that you leave!" Mr. Jefferson said.

"With pleasure!" I said. Sara and I left right after that.

The next day I had to go to the mall. Mia, I need her help with carrying my stuff! I send her a message and 15 minutes later, she were outside my house.

"Where to?" she asked as I got in the car.

"First we are going to pick up Sara, and after that we are going to the mall," I said.

"Ok," she put her BMW in gear and drove off.

"Where does Sara live?" she asked. I told her the address and we drove there in silence. A few minutes later we were at Sara's house, when she saw me she smiled at me, but she did not look so happy about Mia. As she came in the car, I said:

"Mia is here to help us without shopping, you know carry out bags, give us tips and thinks like that!"

"Ok," Sara said and smiled to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Mia did not look at us at all; she drove in silence while Sara and I talked so much.

"Can we listen to music?" Sara asked, and Mia put on the radio.

"You play music so low!" Sara and I said at the same time.

"If I turn up the volume you will feel it," she said.

"We won't feel it from the speakers stupid!" Sara said, "Just turn the volume up!" Mia turned the volume up pretty much and Sara jumped forwards when the sound and the vibes hit her back.

"Turn it down!" she yelled. Mia did as she said.

"Told you!" Mia said as she turned into the mall.

We walked into the mall with Mia behind us.

"Look, its Mia! We just love you! You are the best dancer and singer I ever has seen, you just make the covers perfect, so much better than the originals!" a girl on, I think 16 or something. It was weird that it was her a person liked and not Sara or me.

"I want to go in there!" Sara said. She came out with a quite big bag full of clothes.

"Here!" she gave the bag to Mia and started to walk.

"We have to go in here!" "This shop are perfect for you Jesse!" "I need some new shoes!" "You need some new shoes Jesse!" "We have to buy something for the party on Saturday!" After a while, Mia was full of bags, but she did not complain, she was just walking quietly after us.

"Come on Sara, the mall closes in 5 minutes!" I said.

"Ok, then I have to go to the mall again tomorrow!" she said.

"Ok, anything for you!" I said and kissed her forehead.

We went to the car and Sara looked at her clock.

"No, I have to be home at seven!"

"That's only four minutes, it's a ten minutes' drive to your house!" I said.

"Mia, you have to get me home fast!" Sara said.

"Ok, but if I get a ticket or lose my license you pay!"

"Of course I will!"

Mia hold in the clutch, stepped on the gas, and got up to third.

"Mia, let go of the clutch!" Sara said. Mia did as she said and the car flew forwards.

"Stop playing street racer!" Sara said and looked at Mia.

"I don't need to play a street racer!" Mia said and drifted around a quite sharp turn.

"Stop drifting, it's not funny!" Sara said.

"You said you wanted to come home fast," Mia said and got the car up to sixth gear. She drove past cars, and everything without crashing, it was like sitting on with a real street racer. A few times, she drove under trailers.

"Here we are!" Mia said and parked the car.

"Can I speak with you Jesse?" Sara asked and went out of the car. I followed her.

"Mia is rude and she doesn't listen to anyone of us! Make that change!" Sara said and looked seriously at me.

"Fine, I will change it, and if she doesn't I will get Mr. Jefferson firing her from her job! Ok?" I asked her and gave her a kiss. Sara nodded and kissed me back.

"Do something or I will do it!" she said and kissed my cheek. I went back to the car. Mia did not say anything she just started driving and stopped outside my house.

"Sara and I are deeply disappointed of you! You have to be less rude and start listen to both of us. If you don't change I will have Mr. Jefferson fire you!" She looked at me, "that's not a lie!" "And you have to pick Sara and me up at 11 tomorrow; we need to buy some clothes for Mr. Jefferson's wedding!" She looked at me. "He didn't tell you? All since he lost his first wife, a year ago, all he wanted was a new wife, he didn't even live with his first wife, she lived in Newtonmore where Mia Jefferson moved. So I think about 6 months ago he started dating this chick, she is hot to be 43 years old. She have four children, three lives at home and one have moved out. They are so sweet together, and they are getting married on Saturday, three days left! And Sara would love to find her dress for this!" It looked like Mia was another place so I jumped out of the car and she just drove off.

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