Chapter 7

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Well, here comes the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 7

It seemed like forever, I had no idea how long they had been talking to each other. I knew they were talking about me. I could hear it on the way they spoke. Mr. Jefferson and I had not been on speaking terms lately, we had an argument about Sara, Mark and I. Since then I had not talked to him.

Mia's P.O.V.

"Father, I'm not a child anymore. I can take care of myself!" I said, comely.

"Jesse isn't good for you! He isn't good for anyone; I don't want you to be around that guy!" my father said with his angry, half-rude way.

I got pissed off; he was so annoying when he did that.

"Dad, stop treating me like a child, I know what I'm doing!"

"You don't know how he was all the years he has been at my agency. Over half of it he has been a jerk! What will he do if I threw him out of the agency?"

"Your agency has nothing to do with his career; he's a person, stop treating him like dirt!"

"So you're siding with him. I thought you didn't like him, what about now?"

"You know what..." the doorbell rang and I went to answer.

"You ordered takeout?" A young boy stood outside with a bag with food.

"Yes, that's me. How much?" I said, and then I heard someone running down the stairs. I turned around and saw Jesse at the last step. "I told you to stay upstairs." My dad looked like he was going to explode.

"You break up with Sara, you fall completely down. You are rude to everyone on your way. Moreover, what do you do when you are fine? You jump on my daughter." My father yelled.

"DAD!" I yelled. My father looked somewhat shocked; I never used to raise my voice even when I was mad at people.

"You actually raised your voice," my father said, "you never yell."

"Guess it comes with age," I said sarcastically.

"I'll go now. When you are ready to say sorry you know where I am." My dad went out of the house.

"Comes with age?" Jesse said behind me.

"Yeah, it was a lie." I said, looking out the window where my father drove away, "me and my mom fought a lot, I got more aggressive with time. When I turned 18 I lost it one time, I was ready to hit. I moved out, moved away only to get away from her. She was sick already then, she didn't tell me. After she died, I took all my anger out on my driving. I got more relaxed when I got pregnant. Then I got mad when I lost it, even madder at the police. If I hadn't left for US again I guess no one would ever have seen me again."

"You were ready to kill yourself?"

"I had my mind set on it, and then my father called, told me to come home. I did, and you saw how that worked out."

"You started to fight with everyone, being angry at even your closest, and holding secrets to people who care about you. Especially me."

"I was afraid that you were mad, I didn't hold my promise, I didn't come back as fast as I could."

"I didn't hold my promises either! Don't worry! I have a feeling that you worry too much!"

"I don't!"

"You do! Sit down, watch a movie, eat take out and relax a bit!"

"I am relaxing!" I said as Jesse took a place at the sofa.

"No, you're not." He said before taking a hand around my waist and pulling me down in the sofa. "You know, you always wanted to be the girl who always where right. This time I have to say, I was right."

"You're not!"

"Stop, you know I am!" he was still holding me around my waist.

"Fine, I guess you can have right this once," I said and smiled at him.

"Here, take some food," Jesse said and let go of my waist and gave me a box with food.

"Jesse?" I said.

"Yes? You want to watch the movie now?" he asked.

"It wasn't that, but sure. However, maybe first I need to ask you, what are these paparazzi's doing outside my home?"

"Where?" Jesse said and crawled down behind the sofa.

"Why are you so afraid of people seeing you? You are embarrassed to be seen with me, aren't you?"

Jesse's P.O.V.

I could see the disappointment in her face.

"No, of course not! It's me."

"Is it because you look awful? Because I can say, you don't look that awful! You should have seen me after my fight with my father and being inside the house for days, I looked awful!"

"Really? Then why where you pretty looking when you went out with your dogs?"

"You call that pretty looking? You must be blind, because I looked horrible! Like I was in a horror movie and had ran through the woods."

"You only say that to make me feel better! I don't want the paparazzi's to see me because I don't want any questions about me and Sara. And I don't want to drag you into the paparazzi world."

"You don't think I'm in the paparazzi world? I have been a coverer for over 10 years; I have been in that world for over 8 years. So don't make that an excuse Jesse. It's something else!"

"It's nothing! I just..."

"You can just say that you don't want to be seen with me! And to be honest I think it has something to do with Sara. You think she is so much prettier than me, don't you?"

"How can you say that? I broke up with her, didn't I?"

"She broke up with you, after you started hanging around me, lost popularity and got number 2 on the list on the agency."

"You think you know so much about me? You think I am the same boy I was 10 years ago? Then dream on!"

"You don't think I know that? I have grown up too!"

"It doesn't seem like that, you act like you are three years old!"

"If you are going to insult me like that, you can leave."

"I'm older than you, I can insult you as much as I will!" his words hurt, they hurt badly.

"Get out of my house! And don't come back!" I yelled. He put down his food and went out of the door, and shut it loud.

I have decided that I will end this story at 10 chapters. And if people are intrested then I will make a sequel to it.

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