One Night In October

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John opend the door to his car getting in and slamming the door his coat was soaked with water he knew he should of put a better one on his hands was red from the cold rain he huffed starting the engine to his car and putting the heating on the rush of warm air felt so good on his face his soaked body he sat there a few minutes untill he took the journey home he put the radio on and listen to the news and he. Took no notice of the drunken people who stumbled on the streets he beeped his horn at some. Of them telling them to move from his car he didn't want any of thoes drunken teenagers touching his car he huffed even louder when he stopped at some traffic light waiting for the firely red to turn bright green when it did he carried on into the roads it was dark but the street lamps. Lit his way so he knew where he was going he was in the middle of nowhere on both sides of the roads there was. Just long grass half way up he saw a black shape lying onto the wet grass he pulled up being weary he opend the door and walked closer to the body crouching down over the body he looked and it was a. Girl about in her 20s he moved a piece of her curly hair away from her face and he gasped she was very badly beaten but she was beautiful he didn't even know if she was alive but that didn't stop him from picking her. Up and putting her into the back seat of his car before shutting the door he went to the boot taking a dark blue blanket and putting it over her he wanted to make sure that she was comfortable after that he shut the door and then carried on with his journey home

John kramer and Amanda young Where stories live. Discover now