Passionate Love

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(John) after our date we went home i unlocked the front door and we both went in when she was in, i brushed my fingers across hers she looked at me. With thoes big brown eyes I could look into them forever she's so beautiful I walk more to her and press. Our lips again her hand wrap around my neck i picked her up and taking her to my room in my room i put her onto the bed kissing her again i moved to her neck sucking slightly she moans.

(Amanda) i was unsure doing this with him but now I'm doing it I know it feels right his hands drop to my sides i tense a little but him kissing my neck i know it will be all ok we lock eyes his beautiful blue eyes are full of passion and love I kiss him again "we don't have to do this if your not comfortable with it" he says no im fine I say he nods

(John) i pull of her top her body was so generous I run my hands down her lightly dropping my head to kiss her stomach she gasps and moans

(Amanda) i never felt. Anythink like this before he was so soft im used to hard and rough


(John) after we made love she layed on my chest falling a. Sleep "I love you" I here her say under her breath I love you to i whisper back

A few hours later

(Amanda) NO NO NO PLEASE!!!!!!! 

(John) i shot up when I here her scream I touch her lightly, Amanda I say softly I stroke her arm and i call her name a few times until she jumped up

(Amanda) i was breathing heavily i put my hands on my head i jump when I feel an arm around me when I relized it was John I went more into his touch i wrap my arms around him and cried tears just came out i was breathless and i felt sick to my stomach i felt exhausted from all of these nightmares I just wanted them to stop "im sorry" he said it was like he knew that the nightmares was about Hoffman, it's not your fault I just want them to stop i say with a sob

(John) i hold her tighter they will i say  i lie down and she snuggles up to me after a while I made sure that she was a sleep i then put my boxers on and my shirt and looked though my jacket to find my phone when I got it out i  walked quietly out of the bedroom door and down the stairs into the living room I flipped my phone up going though my contracts when I found the number I wanted. I pressed call and it rang "Hello" I here a mans deeps voice sounded like he just woke up,

John kramer and Amanda young Where stories live. Discover now