Face To Face With My Nightmare

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(Amanda) i was in a supermarket with John i looked at the magazines and the DVDs "you can pick one of you like and we will watch it later" he says I smile and nod "I'll be over there" he pointed. Ok ill be there in a bit i picked up a DVD looking at the back of it i then felt something like a presence my whole body froze I didn't want to look i blinked away tears my eyes looked and my head truend I gasp dropping the DVD and running before he could see. Me. I ran to John and he looked at me he must have seen how scared I was I held onto his arms and hid my face he nodded "we'll go" he said and quickly we done our shopping and was in the car he got in

(John) i shut my door what was up with you? I asked

(Amanda) n...... Nothing I say I just want to get back I drop down to the seat even more when I saw him come. Out of the supermarket John looked at me and his head turned out if the window "do you know him? " he asked i shook my head no i say let's just go i say he nods

A few hours later John and amanda chilled and watched TV it became something what Amanda looked forward to every night it was just them no distractions and nothing just them in front of the TV and amanda huggigg John's side it was the end of the film what they was watching and John Turned to her

(John) something was bugging me all night who was that man we saw today and why was she so scared I rubbed my eyes and then i relized that the film finshed I turned down the sound and then i asked, who was thst man today?

(Amanda) the question burned my body i never wanted to even think about him or  never wanted to even talk about him "Amanda" I looked at him i said i told you he was n....no one i say he looked at me with a. serious face I huff

(John) you can tell me. Was he the one who hurt you? As I said that her whole body tensed up and i knew my answer i nod ok I say "his my sort of boyfriend" she spoke or should I say spat thoes words out like they was poison in her mouth i turned so I could look. At her which told her to carry on i looked at her i stroked her arm tell me what did he do to you? I ask

(Amanda) his names Mark Hoffman His a detective an ass hole we was together for three years and we broke up  but he was begging for me back so... I um

(John) went back to him, I say thoes words was harsh coming out, my heart sank when I asked the next question, did he ever hurt you?

(Amanda) i nodded he likes to get his own way with everythink even..... Me it started off a little smack here and there and then he started to punch me and then beat me he likes to get rough when we have sex and he doesn't like to be told. No with anything so I'm just expected to lay there and take it if I do say anything he beats me even harder then ever, that's how I ended up on the grass that night i say i looked at him and he had emotion in his eyes like a. Sorry look he put his arm around me and i fell into his touch i shut my eyes and snuggled my head into his chest his hands went into my hair and i feel him kiss the top of my head "I'm so so sorry that you had to go though that" he said I'm still scared that he'll find me "he won't" he says I nod and move up to him even more we locked eyes and i kissed his lips he was shocked but kissed me back his big hands cupped my cheeks and my hand went to the back of his head we both pulled away from the kiss and he kissed my forhead

(John) i was shocked that she kissed me but I wanted that to happen i wanted her and I will do everythink to keep her safe if I ever met this Mark Hoffman i will deal with him and he will be never hered of again. I shook me head getting all thoes bad thoughts out i then asked you wanna go out tomorrow night? I asked she looked at me her face was lit from the fire and her eyes sparkled she smiled " why?" she asked i shook me head no reason just thought you wanted to go out and you know maby..... Have a da.... Date I say feeling myself regret it I turn away "Yess" she said excitedly I smile what....... Really she nodded ok

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