Back In Hell Hoffmans Mind

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(Mark) after when I was out of site I left my car and then got into a big black van she was still knocked on continuous i picked her up and opend the doors putting her in i got in to i got some. Rope and some tape i tied her hands together and then taped her mouth pulling some of her hair away from her face i bite my bottom lip looking at her i went down and kissed her cheek smelling at her a little she smelt good mmmm i groan I felt up her leg and over her body I shut  the doors of the van and we was in the dark i waited there a little before driving her to the were house

A few more hours

(Amanda) mmmm i groan I opened my eyes a little and my vision was a little blury and I had thumping in my head and I could feel a gag in my mouth and my hands was sore and i couldn't move my legs at all I looked down and i was taped I cryed out i tryed to slow down my breathing i shut my eyes praying that someone will come and find me i here the door open with a squeak and  a dark figure was walking towards me i felt the panic rush though my body as I knew it was Hoffman he was the last face I remembered before I got knocked out I shut my eyes as he turned the lights on i opened them carefully the light stung my eyes untill I could see him clearly I started to breath heavily i was so scared I didn't know what he was going to do to me he just looked at me carefully he grabbed a chair scraping it across the floor mmm i said  as it hurt my ears "sorry baby" he said in a deep voice he was right in front of me he tucked some. Of my hair away from my face

(Mark) I've missed you i said you know you shouldn't never gone like that i know I left you out there but you deserved it and you know you did i didn't mean to hurt you like that why didn't you come home baby i love you i say oh wait I for got i moved closer to her and ripped the tape of her mouth "Ah" she said in pain when she looked back at me again i grabbed her head and smashed our lips together she was trying to move away so I bit her lip and she screamed in pain and moved a little but i kept her there i stuck my tongue into her mouth i moan I could taste her blood i pulled away and licked it off my lips i stroked her cheek and she move away from me, what the fuck is wrong with you mmm? I asked

(Amanda) when he kissed me it was rough and it was like my body was telling me to get thoes lips away from me but when he bit my lip and darted him tongue into my mouth it made me sick to my stomach when he pulled away I felt dirty, "what's wrong with you?" he asked i looked him in the eyes and i was so scared to answer him "TELL ME!!!" he shouted and I jumped i looked into his eyes again n..... Nothing I said he grabbed me by the throat and kisses me again he moaned again "doesn't it feel good baby" he said i didn't answer him "I love you" he said again i still didn't say anythink I felt sharp pain when he slapped me across the face i gasped

(Mark) tell me that you love me please I said she looked at me and i saw tears in her eyes TELL ME!!! I shouted she shook her head and that made me mad i slaped her again and she yelped and cryed I pulled her by the hair I love you just say it baby please, are you in love with that John?

(Amanda) when he said his name my heart fluttered I wanted to say yes i wanted to hurt him like he hurt me so I decided, yes I said he looked at me and his eyes filled with tears he sat in front of me "w..... why?" he asked because John looks after me he doesn't beat me when I do something wrong, he doesn't use me as a. Slave and when we make love his not rough like you!!! Why would someone love you, you can't even love anyone you don't know how to i say his head shot up and his eyes went dark he wrestled me to the ground and he was on top of me he hit me over and over and then it went all black all what I remember is waking up in a bed and John was there

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