Meeting Two New People

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Next morning

(Amanda) i woke up on John's chest i smile getting up a bit i kissed him on the cheek getting out of bed and putting on of his shirts and then i went to go and have a shower i went into the bath room the floor was cold underneath my feet i huff and then i turned the shower  on waiting for it to go hot i checked it with me hand first before I jumped in the hot water felt so nice and relaxing hitting my body I shut my eyes and washed myself

(John) i was in the kitchen doing breakfast i sipped my coffee and rubbed my eyes my day today is going to be busy I've got work and then i have to go and see(stopped by Amanda from hugging him) i smile and turn around she hugged my tight i kissed her head she smiled and went to go and sit down, what are you going to do today? I asked she looked at me

(Amanda) he makes me so happy. I looked at him oh me nothing much really why? I asked "maby you should go out" he said i thought yeah I might go to town and do some shopping and get some. Air i say he nods, what about you, what are you doing today?

(John) i cleared my throat oh umm nothing I have work and then I'm meet, I stopped myself and then said I've got a meeting so I'll call you when I'm on my way home i say she smiles what?

(Amanda) oh nothing it's just nice to here home I've never really said home before I looked at him he then went  digging  into his  pockets and walked to me taking my hand and putting a key in it I smile he kisses my lips "Ill see you later ok" he says I nod  a few minutes after when he went i left the house i walked back into town i didn't get a proper look i walked around the park and it was beautiful i had a coffee in my hand and i bought myself a magazine i was flicking through untill I here someone speak i looked up and blinked, what? I asked the man "I said is it OK if I take your picture?" I looked at him in. A wired way he tilted his head and. Smiled he was kinda cute

(Adam) i was taking photos and then i seen a cool looking girl sitting on a bench i had to take her picture i ran up to her and asked

(Amanda) ummm s..... Sure I said nervously he smiles even wider when I said that he nodded and took my picture "Thank you!!!" he said I nodded its. Ok "Hay are you bothering this girl" we both jump i looked and there was a tall man with dark hair dressed all smart "n..... the man said who took my picture he played with his hands nervously, he was just talking to me i said the man looked at me and nodded

(Adam) ummm I've got to go see ya i say hold my hand. Up at the girl before I went i said im, Adam by the way "Amanda" she said I smiled and walked away

(Amanda) the man walked away and i looked at the tall man and he just sat down with out asking dick!!! I thought he looked at me "you here on your own?" he asked yeah I said he nodded "I'm Peter by the way Peter Strahm" I nodded please to meet you

(Peter) i nodded do you have a name? I asked the girl, she looked irritated and rolled her eyes "Amanda" she just said, Amanda what? I asked

(Amanda) you ask so many questions I said i saw him smirk "that's my job" he said what being nosy I said he giggled

(Peter) no i said im a FBI agent and i saw that guy well it looked like he was bothering you so I thought ill come and save you i looked at her and she smiled "thanks i think" she said your welcome i say

(Amanda) i couldn't believe that he was an FBI agent i wounder If he knows Hoffman i bite my lip "you wanna come out for a drink with me?" he asked i smile um no i said i have a boyfriend

(Peter) i licked my lip and nodded I see her stand up where you going? I asked "uhhh home why?" she said i smile can i drive you? I ask i stand up come on i say "I haven't said yes yet" I giggle well now you have jump in

(Amanda) i wasn't sure about getting in his car he could be helping Hoffman look for me. I stood there in thought "you coming or what?" he. Said "I'm not going to kill you" he smiled i nod for some reason. I trusted him i got into the front seat and gave him directions to where I lived

(Peter) though out the drive there was a. Little chat here and there mostly I was talking "here" she said I pulled up and she opend the door "thanks" she said no problem and also if your boyfriend ever ends it with you im always free and if his a dick to  you call me i said giving her my number she laugh and got out "have a good day" you to i say watching her go in and pulling out of the drive way

(Amanda) i walked into the kitchen putting stuff away i here the door go and called out to John, I'm in the kitchen i say "I've been looking for you" I froze when I hered a deep voice my heart was beating fast I turned around and there he was Mark Hoffman

(Mark) i walked to her slowly she backed up more to the counter we was face to face she was breathing so heavily, think that you was going to just get away from me. Like that mmm i said and she never said anythink to me ANSWER ME!!! I shouted

(Amanda) i jumped when he shouted he shook his head and grabbed me slamming me against the wall I slapped him across the face and ran BITCH!!!! I here him shout

(John) i came home. It was late i walked into the house and the lock was broken i ran in and the whole. Place was trashed i panic i wonderd though the house looking for Amanda, AMANDA!!!! I shouted i went to the bedroom and then the bathroom I looked into the living room and then the kitchen last ohhh no i said i put my head in. My hands and on the floor was blood.

John kramer and Amanda young Where stories live. Discover now