In Hoffmans Mind

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(Mark) i drank from a bottle again i was back at my house working on how. I'm going to get her back I needed to do it when that man  was out of the house so that means. I'll have to watch and know what time and when. He leaves and comes. Back  that won't be hard  ill just sit outside of there house for a. Few days I'll move my car now and again so they don't think I'm watching, I layed on my sofa that night and thought I wanted to change everything about me but I'm a lost cause everyone knows that, everyone thinks I'm bad so I prove them right but she's not perfect she's a bitch she cheated on me with some. Guy who is older enough to be her father I clinched my fist and smashed them onto the table breathing heavily everytime I think about them together I want to hurt them hurt her so badly that's what I'll do the little bitch thinks she can run like that, I fell a sleep that night in a rage i got woke up by my phone going off it was work uhhhh I groan answering it "Hoffman" I say deep into the phone as the other person was. Talking on the other  end I felt a stinging on my hand i looked down and all my hand was. A deep red colour I was bleeding i must have cut myself I bite my bottom lip it felt good to bleed out "Hoffman?" I here yeah yeah I'm still here you want files yeah I'll be right on it


(Peter) uhhh I groan I've been stuck doing paper. Work for the last five days and all my head was. Hurting from the words I sat back into my chair "I see you did alot when I was at the coffee shop" I here I smile and looked up i took a break head hurts i say lindsey smiled at me i took the steamy cup of coffee from her and then putting it on my desk as quickly as I could it burnt my fingers a little shit!!! I say I jump when I here my phone i looked at the number "you ok?" Lindley asked yeah I have to take this sorry i say and left the room shutting the door behind. Me, yeah it's me i said  into the phone

(Mark) when everyone was working I was. Doing my Own work I did a search on the number plate I took a picture from the car I put the numbers. In and waited until the photo of the man came up i read the information his name was. John Kramer I tapped my fingers and. Sucked bottom lip he doesn't look like he will be strong enough to take me. Down i mean his. Old after I did that i made something up so I could go home and know about  John's schedule I went back and packed some clothes pillows and blankets and food, drinks and some music and headphones i got into my car and drove to the house it was going to be a long afternoon and night i took notes on when he came back and.when left the house in the mornings Amanda never went out that much only a little walk now and again and sometimes they went out together for lunch or a day out i just needed to pick my day and when I do I then can go and grab her

The day

(Peter) right thats it I said slamming my hands down on the desk I'm going for a walk to get some. Air i say standing up and getting. My jacket on walking out if the station and onto the streets the ait filled my lungs and set a nice breeze at my body it felt good to be out of the office and into open space and feeling the wind I walked around a little not  in any hurry getting back I got lunch and walked nere the park I saw a man and a woman the man. Looked like he was bothering her i walked over, Hay i say is he bothing you? I asked the young girl "no no we was just talking" she said the guy said bye to her and left i sat down i was going to get her home safe i needed to do that we had some talk and then she stood up where are you going? I asked "home" she said i stood up can I drive you? I ask and walked to my car come on I say she gets in and gave me directions to where she lived when we got down to her road it looked like a nice area to live i wouldn't mind. Living here myself when I was nere the house she told me to stop i did and looked over to the other side and i sware I've seen that car before? I asked myself

(Mark) Amanda went out for a few hours but when I hered a car I ducked down into the back seat only pokeing my head up now and again to see who was in the car with her, it....... It was that dick Strahm what the fuck is she fucking him to? I asked she got out of the car and he gave her a card I couldn't see what it was but she took it she said goodbye and I was waiting for him to go when he did he looked at my car and didn't do anythink which is wired i thought he would have gotten  out because he knows what my car looks like i didn't think of it to much when he was gone and climbed out i took some tools to open the door quitely I broke the lock i walked in "John im in the kitchen!!! " she shouted i walked there I've been looking for you i said

(Peter) when I got out of view from the house I got my phone out ringing the number "what" I here his got her i say

John kramer and Amanda young Where stories live. Discover now