Time To Make Up For Your Mistakes

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(Mark) "you cant love anyone" I saw red and i snapped i wrestled her to the ground and started to hit her over and over again until she blacked out and my hands was covered in blood i stood up BITCH!!! I shouted I then felt a sharp pain in my neck i turned and saw someone in a mask what looked like a pig mask my vision went blury and I passed out, I woke up and i couldn't move my hands they was tied I looked and. That old man was. Sitting in a chair facing me i felt fear fill my body, what.... I said

(John) I'm sorry this must be so confused on how I found you well this here is my work shop and I knew that you was going after Amanda so I got some people who worked for me to should we say ummm to make you think you was going to get away with it i say

(Mark) i here the door open and a tall man stood there he was blond and he walked into the room and shook the old man's. Hand

(John) you met my good friend and my many partners his names lawrence he told you that this was his shop right i laughed and he gave you the van I wanted to make sure that it was in the middle of no where

(Mark) for.... what?

(John) i stood up so I can talk to you about Amanda when I said that i saw his body tenes up, you see I've been planing this from neally the very start I get cloes to him she has nightmares about you every night she wakes up screaming and sweating crying to and all what i can do is hold her and tell her how sorry I am until one night she was a sleep i picked up my phone and went down stairs and called lawrence that's when this amazing plan. Got put into place i know alot of things  like i know that day you kippnaped her you was watching the house, Peter I called his name and he came in

(Peter) i came in the room, Hello Mark I said with a smirk

(John) do you think that i never knew i knew you was watching the house so i called Peter and told him that Amanda was going out and where he could find her and make sure  she that she was safe

(Peter) and when i dropped her off i saw your car i was playing dumb i knew you was there Mark but i couldn't go over to you i didn't want to mess up our plan

(Mark) ok..... Ok you want me away from her ok ill go to another country and ill stay away all my life just please let me go "No" the old man said I looked at him w..... What why?

(John) i know what you are your a rapist and a woman beater and if I let you go I know that you will only go back and beat up girls who doesn't deserve it. Lawrence, Peter I said and they both nodded and went to get a big black box and they put it on the table I walked to it and opened the box taking out the big metal trap I turned around "umm what the fuck is that???" he asked scared this I say this is what's going to make sure that you are not ever going to come back in to Amanda's life again i looked at Peter and lawrence and they knocked him out i set up the trap and sat there untill he woke up

(Mark) mmm when I woke up my head hurt and i could taste metal in my mouth and a heavy wight on my head i looked up and he was sitting there i didn't see Peter or the other man it was just him i locked eyes with him and he smirked i felt a tear run down my face i cried

(John) scared? I asked he nodded mmm i nodded that's what Amanda's like every day scared that you are going to take her back in a life of hell and pain i bet you are wondering what this is right? I call it  The Reverse Bear Trap I walk over to him getting a screwdriver and fixing it up a little i then get a lock and locked it shut and then the timer started

(Mark) i hered ticking and my heart was beating faster i shut my eyes, I'm sorry I said but it just came. Out as noise I struggled a little and I felt more tears drop my feet was moving on the floor to and my hands was trying to get loes i stopped moving when he grabbed both of my hands and kneeld on the floor his eyes locked with mine "it's OK Mark its ok" he said i shut my eyes as the ticking carried on and on

(John) when it stopped the trap ripped his mouth open the blood went everywhere and part of his cheek went on the floor i nodded and stood up i moved some of his hair away from his eyes i walked to the door


In the car

(John) i sat at the back where Amanda was i picked up her head and rested it on lap "is it done?" peter asks yeah send someone to clean it up and get rid of the body make sure all of it is gone i said to Lawrence he nodded and to us back to another house when we got there i picked Amanda up and took her into the bedroom and lay her on the bed i sat with her untill she woke. Up

(Amanda) i opend my eyes and smiled when John was there he looked at me "how you are?" better now I see you he smiled and took my hand into his, Mark? I asked "his gone" he said i smile and went back to sleep

John kramer and Amanda young Where stories live. Discover now