Your In A Safe place

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(John) i took her out of the back seat of the car after i opend my front door i lived alone I mean i was with Jill but..... But let's just say things didn't work out i huff putting her in a small room with a bed i gently put her down after that i put the bedside lamp on so I could look at her face, her face was covered in blood i could see she had a black eye, on her wrists was marks it looked like she got held down i got some bandages and bandaged her wrist i moved more of her hair away from her face she was beautiful her hair was brown but curly she had a perfect body as well i breathed trying to concentrate i shut my eyes and then i felt the whole of my face go to one side i grabbed it in pain ouch!!!! I said

(Amanda) i opend my eyes my vision was a little blury but I could see a man over me so I punched him  "Ouch!!!" I  here him say I tryed my best to get up but my whole body was aching screaming out in pain, ouch I cry out hitting the soft pillow i breathed heavily as I felt tears roll down my cheeks i grabbed my ribs i jumped as I felt a hand on me "it's OK your safe now. Im not. Going to hurt you" I looked at the man I was frozen and couldn't take my eyes of  his eyes they were a deep dark blue i nodded at him he came nere to me i bite my bottom lip trying to not think of the pain as he patched me up i felt something I have never felt before safe and i wanted to stay with him as long as possible after he patched me up he walked out ofl the room coming back Minutes later with a glass of water and tables i tryed to sit up and failed i huff he sat beside me he looked at me and nodded i put my arm around him and he helped me up carefully i sat up he held out the tables for me i took them and the glass from his hands and took them i took a big swig from my water and held the glass in both of my hands i could still feel his eyes burning into me  T.... Thank y... You i say  looking at him i saw a slight smile at the coner of his lips he took the glass out of my hand "you should sleep" he says I nod pulling back the blacket he turned off the lights i snuggle into the soft pillows before he left he asked "what's your name?" Amanda I say what about you? I asked "My names John" he said I smile in the dark room he shut the door and i was there alone in bed i don't know why I'm not panicing and being scared something about him makes me feel safe I think im going to like my time with him.

John kramer and Amanda young Where stories live. Discover now