Years And Years Together

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(Amanda) i popped the kettle on and smiled taking a cup out putting a tea bag in I was so happy that i met John he was the best thing that has ever happend to me i used to hate my life but now I love it every day I look down at my marriage ring I never hered from Hoffman again John told me what he does and im fine with it I want to be safe and he wants to keep us safe and are children yeah that's right me and him have a family now two boys and we are having a baby girl i place my hands on my stomach and smile we have been married for five years now and i would want so much more with him we can do so much as a family his my husband and my soul mate I can say that I have found my true love I walk to the glass door looking out to the garden seeing him playing with our sons they look up at me " mummy" I smile bending down Hay Logan I say he hands me a flower  "for baby!" he says i smile taking it from his small hand he kisses me on the cheek smileing at me his big blue eyes looking. Into mine he has John's eyes and my hair i smile Hay why don't you fine and pick some. More baby i say he smile nodding and running off John comes to me

(John) Hay I say kissing her she kisses me back and hugs me stroking my. Back as she walked away to go and play with our sons im so happy i can't believe that I'm a farther she's such a great mother and she's so beautiful being pregnant it makes her have a soft glow  to her i can say that I'm the happyiest man alive I have a family a wife and a life with the perfect woman my true love and i can't wait to have more years with her.

Hay guys so this is it on this book thank you so much for all the votes and the readers this book has done well i didn't know it was going to do this well but thank you it means so much to have people read my books I do love to do them so I hope that you have a great day/night ❤️ and I hope that all of you are doing well❤️❤️

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