The Date Of My Dreams

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(Amanda) i woke up in John's bed i, turned over carefully trying not to wake him up i was buzzing for tonight, I couldn't wait to go out with him i told myself I should go and get something nice

(John) i walked up to Amanda wrapping my arms around her kissing her on the head i then spoke after taking a sip of my juice, I've got work today so I'll be gone for most of the day but I'll be ready for tonight i say with a slight smile on my lips, but are you going to be OK if I go for a few hours? I mean you can come along i say

(Amanda) no no no its ok i say putting my hand on his shoulder ill be out anyway um going to get an outfit for tonight I said i jumped off the counter and went to get my shoes on and coat i walked back to the kitchen and kissed him on the cheek  before I pull away he holds my hand and hands me his credit card "use it" he says I nod and walk out the door,i walked into town it was pretty hot and there was alot of people around i undo my coat and walked into a shop i looked at some. Dresses but none of them looked nice or they just looked not me i huff I looked though some long sleeve tops  most of them had glitter on and was red or light pink i did a horrible face and then i saw a plane black top  and a red and black skirt i smile yes i thought to myself and went to try them. On

(John) i looked at the time. On my watch and it read 12:40. I huff taking my glasses off and rubbing my eyes and then going back to my drawings

(Amanda) i got all what I needed for tonight and I couldn't wait i went, after I went and got coffee and sat in the park. And watched the people doing there own thing i huff taking in the day it was a very good day it was sunny but a little cloudy and looked like we was going to have rain i drank the last of my coffee and then started to walk back home i call it home now. It just feels. Nice

That night🌃

(Amanda) i went to go and change into my outfit i looked. Into the mirror of the bathroom and smiled i looked good i thought to myself I wanted to know if John liked me for me i did my make up and then put my black boots on i zipped them up and then headed down stairs I was nervous my heart was racing and I couldn't wait i took some deep breaths and walked. Though the door of the living room i knocked and then smiled he was in white shirt with black trousers and a leather jacket he looked smart and handsome.

(John) i looked up she looked beautiful i smile ready? I ask she nodded I took her hand and. Then took   her to where our date was we both got into the car and i took us up a hill there was a table and the pavement was shining with a yellow glow from the candles, i got out and went to open the door for her, this way I say

(Amanda) i loved that he went to all this trouble for this date  its so sweet it was beautiful and the night was so calm we went and sat under a big tree and lied on a red blanket we ate and talked and it was the best first date I think I've ever been on i feel so safe with him and i trust him so much and i never ever want. Anythink bad to happen to him he means the world to me, sometime in the night i was getting cold i should have bort a jacket i layed on his shoulder shutting my eyes a little when I feel him kiss my head i let out a sigh and opened my eyes again and then i looked up and the stars were out i smile "its a beautiful night" he said i nodded looking up at him he smiled and leand in and kissed me the kiss was soft but there was passion behind it he pulled away and smiled holding out his arm so I could lie more on him i smile i looked up at the sky

(John) tonight was perfect i couldn't ask for a. Better date i loved her so much and i wanted to tell her but i couldn't not just yet I'll wait till the time was right

(Amanda) tonight was so perfect and I've been so happy but as I was looking up at the sky I had the feeling that someone was watching us i looked over at a Bush and i thought I saw it move "what's up?" John asked n..... Nothing I said i just thought I saw i say pointing "probably was the wind he said yeah maby I say moving more to him putting my head back on his chest i still felt scared but i tryed to hold on to the night for him i didn't want it to end yet.

John kramer and Amanda young Where stories live. Discover now