Staying Cloes To Her

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(John) that night i slept on my couch i wanted to be nere her i layed on my black sofa getting pain in my back from the hard material I huff I pulled my blacket up to my chin and stared at the celling. I liked having someone here with me. It was horrible being alone after when Jill went my world. Got crushed i loved her so much but that was never enough for her she could never get pregnant it wasn't even about that it was about that she cheated on me i huff shutting my very overly tired eyes and i must have drifted off because my whole body jumped when I hered a scream coming from the other room I jumped and fell off the sofa onto the wooden cold floor, uhhhh!!! I groan i got up racing to the room I opend the door and turning the lights on "NOO PLEASE STOP!!!" she screamed moving around in terror i gently sat on her bed shhhhh it's OK Amanda I say softly stroking her arm when. I touched her skin it was so soft but she jumped i held her wrist slightly before she hit me again her chest was going up and down and her hair was soaked with sweat i looked into her chocolate brown eyes and they went so sad and filled with tears like little rain drops and then they pourd down her cheeks  i moved back slightly as. I here her breath and cry my heart broke for her. I'm sorry was what I could say I didn't want to pressure her to tell me what she was dreaming about but I knew it was a. Nightmare I got up but she held my hand i looked at her and then sat nere her a little bit she clung onto my chest and just cried herself to sleep

Next morning.

(Amanda) my eyes slowly opend I hissed from the pain from my  side hurt so badly I moved and then jumped when I saw an arm resting over me i blinked and looked up and then i saw John i smile. Lightly up at him he looked so tired I yawn and cleared my throat i slowly moved his arm and. Climb out of his grip and then went on a mission to find the kitchen and the bathroom  i looked downstairs and nothing but the living room and the kitchen which was good i didn't know if i should go upstairs i didn't want to be rude or i could go and wake. John up but he looked so tired I took hold. Of the banister and put one of my foot on the fury carpet which was a dark red i then tiptoe up stairs being quietly as possible this house was so nice there was alot of pictures on the walls and the walls was painted a dark blue everythink was dark but i liked it i then opend a door and looked in the bathroom was small but pretty tidy I shut the door and locked it, after I went to the bathroom I went back down stairs just in time because John was awake i smile up at him. Morning I say

(John) i woke up and she wasn't there i walked out at there she was "morning" she said morning feeling better? I asked she nodded I walked to the kitchen and done some. Coffee she had orange juice and sat on one of the wooden stools i looked at her she was more beautiful then i remembered i shook my head and walked. And sat at the table she ate toast and read the newspaper and sat there every now and again i would  lookat her  my heart skip a beat when I did

(Amanda) i finshed my food and drink and so did he so we decided to go out to the back garden John said i could stay as long as I wanted I smile and said thank you it was a nice morning the sun was very bright and there was a morning chill in the air the sun made the sky a light yellow i smile i could feel his eyes at me again until he spoke and i froze "what happened to you last night? " my mouth went dry i swollowed and my heart beat was fast i breath and then answered him, I..... I don't want to talk about it I say and then i looked to the side I was trying so hard not to look at him "Amanda" he said this time his voice was hard and firm I jumped from it i held. My kneels up to my chest and put my head in my eyes burning with tears again i was trying so hard not to let them fall

(John) i huff as she hid her face away from me i looked at her i....... I think that we should go to the police i say she shook her head. I bite my lip why? I ask

(Amanda) they won't do nothing I say I knew full well they won't and they will just call me a lier I huff standing up carefully and heading back inside I stopped when I felt his hand on mine "I wanna protect you" he said i looked into his eyes the blue was even brighter because of the sun I then spoke you are i say i give him a light smile and walked away.

John kramer and Amanda young Where stories live. Discover now