Meeting The Ex Wife

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(Jill) i walked into the room where John was he was sat in a chair holding her hand he didn't leave her side i stood nere the door i huff walking over and crouching down, John i whisper "mmm" he said and opend his eyes he looked at me and then looked away "what?" he asked can I get you anythink? He shook his head and i nodded are you really serious about her? I asked

(John) i looked at her my eyes couldn't look but I had to i huff yes i said "why?" because I know what she's been though and she needs love and i want to be there and give her that and i have fallin in love with her and i know that she would never cheat on me i said and looked at her my heart still was broken from what she did but I could never be with her again "I'm sorry" she said I nodded

Some. Time later

(Amanda) i opened my eyes i didn't know where I was or i didn't remember that much just being with Hoffman and then here I look to the side of me and John was. Sitting there i smile hello I said and he looked at me his eyes boomed with love and i could see that he was happy i smile "how you feeling?" hurting a little but im fine "not surprised after what he did to you" he said what happend?

(John) what do you remember? I asked making sure she didn't see the pig mask

(Amanda) umm just being with him he was looking at me and then i just felt pain and him on me i said and then nothing just waking up here, where or what happen to him?

(John) i huff well I spoke to him and let's just say you won't be hereing from him again i looked at her and she nodded

A few days after

Amanda was getting better most of her bruises went and she could walk around with out help, John told her about. Jill that she was his Ex wife both of them stayed away from each other

(Amanda) i sat on the sofa drinking tea when I felt her sit in the other chair across from me i looked at her and smiled she had a glad of red wine just put the glass on the table and sat back getting comfortable

(Jill) i looked at the chocolate haired girl and we both looked at each other, I know what you think about me i say she looked at me confused and tilted her head i huff taking a sip from my wine about me being John's Ex

(Amanda) ohhh um I don't really know that much about it i say she nodded and then i continued all what i know is that you cheated on him i said thoes words with hate i don't understand how anybody could do that to John his the kindest man I know

(Jill) yeah I did and I regret it  I say "then why did you?" she asked i umm we was going though a hard patch you see he wanted a baby so we started to try and we couldn't get pregnant we both went to the doctors to get test's done and we found out that i was the problem it was me i couldn't give John what he wanted he said it didn't matter and I knew it did every day I saw it  in his eyes that he wanted a family he wanted. To be a dad so bad and i wanted to be a mum few weeks we was arguing and i stormed out and that's how I met Eric i was at the bar and he was there  we started to talk and he listened and we slept together that night and we carried on sleeping and being together for a whole three months untill John found out and he wanted a divorce i looked at her she never said anythink to me we just looked at each other and then i spoke again, all what I'm asking for is please don't hurt him.

(Amanda) i wouldn't do that i say

John kramer and Amanda young Where stories live. Discover now