I'm Going To Kill Her

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(Mark) i paced my living room drinking a glass of whisky i was going insane i started breathing heavily i felt anger inside of me it felt so good hitting her it made me feel incontrol but now she was out there and I didn't know where she was or who she was with she couldn't of gone to the police i would have known she's probably fucking someone Else she better not tell she could ruin me, i stop pacing and i seat  on my sofa pulling at my hair I should have killed her when she was here on the floor in pain "FUCK!!!" I screamed throwing the glass at the wall and it smashed into millions of pieces "Bitch" I said undery breath if I find her ill kill her i said to myself I checked my watch and it was early in the day so I decided to go out and get some. Shopping which I hated that's why I had her for she does everythink I tell her I say to myself in the supermarket pushing the trolly around there was stacks of people all over the place I huff in irritation I put food in and. All the usual I liked and. The I put some alcohol in i pushed the trolley again when I was nere the DVD area I looked at some clothes and ties I bite my bottom lip when I here a dvd drop on. The floor and feet running away like the person was scared I followed carefully from the back I knew it was her i clinched my fist hard which made my hand. Go red i wanted to go running over there and grab her and. Pull her out of the supermarket and to our home but i couldn't she was with someone a tall elderly man with gray hair i let out a breath as I couldn't see them anymore i went to the till and. Got my bags of shopping and hurryed out i walked to the exit and stopped around the corner i saw both of them. In the car both of them was talking she looked scared a smirk came across my lips i here the engine and they drove off i took my phone out and took i picture of the plate at the back of the  car so I could know who the car belonged to

A few days passed and i was at work I tapped my pen on the table when I here my door open. I looked annoyed at the person when I saw it was that FBI agent I got more annoyed at him i huff what do you want? I ask he. Looked at me and rolled his eyes "me and perez need help on this case" he said uhhhh can't you get your boss to help you i say and he shook his head i stood up walking out of my office and into there's i took a chair and helped them, with what ever they needed help with.

(Peter) i looked at the detective carefully i did not trust him at all his was a dick and alot of people didn't like. Him around here he always acted smart and. Like. He knows it all I roll my eyes "I'm helping you aren't I" I here him say I huff yeah! We both locked eyes and i move mine from his i didn't like his eyes at all they were dark and cold he overall was just souless

(Mark) when I helped thoes Agents with there work I went to go for a walk it was lunch but i usely don't eat lunch I walked around the town for a little while my head darted towards a woman it.... It was her walking into a shop, a clothes shop? I said what I waited i said to myself that I was going to grab her when she walked passed i looked at my watched and timed her i sat out of view so she couldn't see me i was going to get this bitch I said to myself she was in there a while when she finely came out there was to many people around. i was annoyed I huff I followed her around a little when she jumped into a taxi and went i to my car i followed the taxi not to cloes but not to far just about on the middle when the taxi stopped she got out and walked to a house and looked for a key i watched her as she moved a brick and took a key out unlocking the door and letting herself in i clicked . My finger and walked  back to my car I now. Know where she is i got her i thought to myself I waited until it was late at night when I here the door open and two people came out Amanda and the elderly man from the supermarket they got into a car and drove off i did the same they  pulled up to a hill i drove passed them i parked my car a bit down the road i got out and there was a hole in the fence i climbed in and walked to the bushes i crouched down and looked on my heart dropped when I realized that she was on a date the bitch i said they had dinner and they sat on a red blanket everythink was red she rested her head on his sholder and he kissed her head i felt the anger inside of me again i felt my whole blood boli when he kissed her i licked my top lip and moved but i snapped a branch she turned her head and i quickly hid "what's up?" I here the man say"i thought I just saw"she said back to him "mmm probably was the wind" he said I had to stop myself from going over there and killing them both I breathed and looked on i waited a few more minutes and then left on the journey back to my house i was happy that i knew where she was and that how I could get her back , the old man wasn't a problem for me because wants I have her she's not going back or she's not going out if my sight again!!!

Hay guys!!! SO I decided to do a little chapter about Hoffman about what his life has been like knowing that Amanda's gone, his gone a little insane, I hope that you are enjoying this story im having alot of fun writing it, thank you so much for. Reading and voting means alot have a great day/night ❤️❤️

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