Chapter 2:

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Arriving on the 13th floor, the elevator comes to a stop, before the doors slowly creak open. I look out into the hallways, seeing the lights flickering. They needed replacing soon.

Walking down the hallway, I come to a stop in front of room 807.

I take a deep breath before reaching for the keypad. The number 3397 flashed in my mind. That had been the password that my grandfather had when I visited him last. But that was almost 3 years ago now.

I pressed the code into the keypad, hoping that the password had not yet been changed. I didn't want to have to go looking in search of the building's security guard.

Sure enough, I was met with the buzzing sound of the door unlocking. I release a breath of release, pushing the door open and walking into the small apartment.

As soon as I walk in, I freeze. The first thing my eyes landed on was a picture of my grandfather and me on my 10th birthday. I smile, walking over to the table, picking up the picture, and staring at it.

For my 10th birthday, my grandfather had insisted that we go to a shooting range, as being the only girl to my 2 older brothers, I would need to know how to protect myself. Of course, being a small 10-year-old at the time, it was very hard to shoot the gun at first, but I remember what my grandfather had told me.

'It's okay to struggle, as long as you don't give up. Never give up  My grandfather had told me.

I remember him preparing for me to shoot at the target once more. He showed me how to properly hold the gun, before once again saying words of encouragement.

Of course, I didn't hit the middle of the target. I had hit the edge of the target, but the fact that I hit it at all had made me excited. I remember getting so excited, that I had gotten a nose bleed, which hadn't been uncommon for me at the age of ten.

Thinking about this, I could almost feel the warmth of blood dripping from my nose as if it was happening again. That's when it clicked in my mind, that I WAS having another nosebleed.

I lift my hand to my face, touching my nose, pulling my hand back to see the tips of my fingers covered in blood. I sigh, reaching into my bag and pulling out a tissue to wipe away the blood.

"I should go donate more blood tomorrow," I say to myself, as I discard the bloody tissue into a trash bin.

Ever since I was a child, I was extremely prone to getting nosebleeds, which deeply concerned my family at first. It wasn't until we later discovered that I had a strange condition where my body produced way too much blood, and as a way of releasing it, I would get nosebleeds when I got too anxious, tired, or extremely excited. I was completely healthy, except for the fact that I had a nose bleed every other day.

I exit the bathroom, looking around the small apartment. It looked exactly as it had the last time I  had visited, which now seemed to be so long ago.

*****What do you guys think of the story so far?????? Let me know in the comments.******

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