Chapter 11:

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As the residents got closer, he quickly lifted his shirt, before sliding the gun into the waistband of his pants. He dropped the shirt, just as the residents stood before us.

"Hey. I heard you're a firefighter?" The old man asks, looking to the woman who had tackled the monster.

I looked at her in awe, as I thought it was brave to be able to run into fire's and save people.

"What's the government doing?" The man continues to ask her.

"I'm sure they'll take care of things." She tells him calmly.

'Wow. So cool'  I think to myself. Even after what had just happened, having run through a glass door and tackling the monster, the woman still remained calm. I wish that I could be as calm and cool as her.

"We're paying so much tax. They can't even take care of one monster?!" The old man complains.

A few residents begin to mutter in agreement to him.

"Ahjussi-" I start, wanting to defend the woman, as she was currently the person that I looked up to during our current situation.

However, I get cut off from speaking when the boy from before starts to speak.

"No. It's not just one." He says, as he stares outside of the building.

At this, myself, along with the rest of the residents turn to the exit, looking outside of the building.

There was fog, making it difficult to see, but as if on cue, the fog quickly faded away, as if we were supposed to look outside.

. With the fog now gone, we were able to see that there were indeed not just one, but many monsters roaming the streets outside of the building.

As I am standing close to the door, along with the boy, I can hear the loud noises that the monsters were making. There were screeching noises along with sounds of car alarms and things being thrown about.

As I'm lost in watching the chaos, I barely notice the long limbed creature that walks up to the door, using its hand to scratch at the gate that protects us.

I jump back in panic, about to scream, but a hand being placed over my mouth prevents me from doing so.

"Don't scream. It'll hear us." says a hushed voice says, as the person continues to cover my mouth.

I allow the person to keep their hold on me, as I'd probably have ran in fear if they hadn't.

The creature continued on its way, walking past the building, but that didn't stop the fear inside of me. Any one of the other creatures could get curious and decide to come over to the gates, and then it would see all of us here.

"What's going on?" I hear the firefighter question.

"I don't know. Maybe the world is finally coming to an end." Says the person who was holding me. I recognize the voice to be that of the boy from the stairs.

However, I don't have time to think about this, as his words then clicked into my brain.

'The world...coming to an end'

With those words floating in my head, I barely feel my consciousness slipping away from me, as I slip through the boy's grip, falling to the ground.

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