Chapter 3:

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With one last glance around the room, I walk over to the closet, opening it to find empty boxes and a pack of garbage bags. I get to work on throwing away trash, and packing away some items that could be donated.

I sorted through old clothes, and books that were stored in the back of the closet. Many books went into boxes to donate, whereas some were so worn that they were falling apart at the seams.

When I got around to cleaning up the bed area, I noticed a box sticking out from under the bed.

'What's this?' I think to myself.

I kneel down onto the floor, reaching under the bed and pulling out the box. It was fairly small, almost the size of one of the books I had packed away.

I removed the lid of the box, seeing that pictures were inside. In the pictures, I could see my family. My parents, along with my two elder brothers. But what stood out the most was my grandfather and I.

Everyone would have expected for either of my brothers to be the favorite grandchild, seeing as they were older than I. But when I was born, it was instantly decided that I was my grandfather's favorite. He doted on me so much, much to the dismay of my sibling. They had soon gotten over it, finding comfort in being the favorite children to my parents.

I place the photos back into the box, placing the lid on it. Grabbing a cardboard box from the corner, I place the picture box inside of it, wanting to take the photos with me.

I go to clean up the kitchen area when I hear some loud noises coming from a neighboring apartment. It sounded as if someone were fighting, things being knocked to the ground.

"What is going on?" I question, as I exit the apartment, looking into the hallway.

I stayed quiet, listening to see where the loud noises were coming from.

Suddenly from the apartment across the hall, I could hear more loud noises. Something was definitely going on. I hesitate before stepping farther into the hall, stopping to stand just in front of the apartment.

However, before I could bring myself to knock on the door, the door suddenly swings open on its own. I quickly back away, as I am now standing face to face with a tall guy with a scar on his face.

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