Chapter 13:

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I watched as the boy, Eun-hyuk, walked towards the building's main hall, going to help barricade the wall.

"Lee Eun-hyuk," I say to myself, repeating the boy's name. The name seemed to fit him perfectly.

'A handsome name for a handsome guy.'  I start to think, before cutting off my own thoughts.

'Wait, what am I thinking?' I shake my head, pushing the previous thoughts away.

I stop my wild thoughts. We were in the middle of a bad situation. There wasn't time for me to have a crush, even if he was the first guy I had ever really found attractive.

I sigh, looking around the hallway. Two guys emerged from the arcade, dragging a game machine into the main hall.

I move out of the way, letting them pass by me when I hear yelling from the main entrance.

An older woman was trying to take down the barricade. Screaming to let her leave.

"My daughter isn't back yet. You can't block this. If anything happens to Min-Ju, it's all your fault!" She continues to yell, pushing people aside, trying to get to the door.

I run up, trying to help calm her down, but she just pushes me off, along with other residents.

"Please calm down." Another resident says, pulling the lady back from the door.

"Block it!" Says a new voice, making the older woman go quiet.

I turn, seeing Eun-hyuk standing a few feet from us now. The woman backs away from the entrance. "Please wait." She begs, before running up to Eun-hyuk.

As she rushed over, she sees the two men carrying the game machine. She pushes them aside as she draws near. "I said wait!" She exclaims, then pulling out her phone.

"She's here." The woman says, showing Eun-hyuk something on her phone.

"I can go get her quickly and come back. Open it, please!" She continues to beg.

Eun-hyuk sighs before speaking. "I can't do that." He says as he reaches to help with the game machine. However, the woman pushes him back.

"And who are you? Do you know who I am?" She questions him.

I look closely at her. I didn't recognize her to be someone of importance, She seemed to be the type that deemed herself higher up than the people around her.

"I have to keep this place safe," Eun-hyuk tells her. He once again reaches for the game machine.

"The woman once more tries to push him away. This time, I run up, trying to stop her.

"Please, just calm down and listen," I beg her, stepping in between her and Eunhyuk, only for her to push me back. Thankfully, Eun-hyuk caught me before I could fall.

Suddenly, an alarm went off, making her freeze before she could fight back once again. Then, as if on cue, everyone's phones began to make noises. AS everyone pulls out their phones, I rush over to my discarded bag, digging out my phone.

 There was an emergency alert which read. "National Disaster Alert. Those who show abnormal symptoms such as nosebleeds, fainting, blackouts, or sudden aggression should be quarantined immediately. Take action now." 

My heart starts to race upon reading the alert. If anyone with a nosebleed was seen as a threat, surely that would mean me. Would any of these people believe me when I told them that my nosebleeds were for a medical reason? That they didn't just occur when the monsters started to attack.

The tension in the room was now so thick. Everyone seemed to be in a panic-like state. Everyone looked scared. The woman from before bent to the floor, crying into her hands as she read the emergency alert. I knew she must've been very worried about her daughter.

About half an hour later, the residents were all gathered in the main hallway. I, however, steered away from them, choosing to venture down the hallway instead. I eventually found myself standing in front of the security office, where Eun-hyuk had busied himself with trying to figure out some of the systems and devices spread around the room. Not wanting to interrupt, I leaned against the hallway wall, sliding down to the floor.

I unlock my phone and open up my photo gallery. I click on a file labeled 'grandpa', and my eyes instantly begin to water. Sliding through the photos, I can't help but smile. My grandpa always looked so happy when he came to visit. Swiping to the most recent picture, my high school graduation. Just a few months ago I had graduated high school and started attending college. I remember my grandfather being so proud of me. So much that even brothers had been jealous of the attention that our grandfather gave me. By now, I can no longer hold back my tears. I choke back a sob as I look down at the picture shown on my screen.

Someone clearing their throat breaks me from my thoughts. I look up, seeing Eun-hyuk standing in the doorway of the security office. 

"Uhm.. sorry" I muttered, quickly going to wipe the tears from my face. Eun-hyuk offers me a hand, helping me to stand up from the ground.

"What's wrong?" He asks, seeming to ask this cautiously, as if unsure of how I would react.

"It's nothing," I say, not wanting to burden him with something he couldn't control.

"With what's going on right now, no one should have to suffer alone." He tells me as he leans against the office doorway.

"It's just... my grandfather passed away. I came here to clean out his apartment" I start, feeling a new tear roll down my cheek. I roughly wipe away the tear before speaking once more.

"I already miss him so much, and with what's happening now, I'm scared. I-I... I have a condition, and he's the only one who would've understood." I say, before clearing my through. I didn't want to seem too weak. I had to be brave. It's what grandpa would have wanted.

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