Chapter 28:

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"Everyone should be gathering now," Eunhyuk says. I looked around, seeing that everyone was entering into the daycare. However, one person stopped when they saw us. It was the short grocery store owner. 

He walks up to us angrily. "You brought a monster in here." He says before pulling something from his pocket. I quickly noticed that it was a utility knife.

"You better not turn. Got it, or I'll slice your throat myself? You crazy monster." He says, moving to bring it up to the young boy's neck.

"Sir, there's no need for that," I say, trying to block the man from hurting the boy but Eunhyuk stops me, keeping me behind him.

"Talking back to your elders? You young people are truly despicable." The old man says, shoving his knife back into his pocket before returning to the daycare.

Turning around to face me, Eunhyuk speaks. "You should only worry about yourself. Don't try to protect others." He then turns back to the unnamed boy.

"Let's get started." He tells the boy.

Eunhyuk motions for me to walk ahead first. So that's what do. 

I entered the daycare, and Eunhyuk and the boy followed right behind me.

Eunhyuk walks over to what appears to be a crafts closet. He digs around in there while I move to sit near the table that was set up. The other residents all talk amongst themselves. The grocery store owner complains to anyone who would listen, that the boy should be left to die outside with the monsters. I hated that old man. If it was he who was infected, surely he wouldn't want the same treatment.

"Everyone, please grab a piece of paper," Eunhyuk says as he walks over to the table. He places down a stack of small papers, some red colored pencils, and a tissue box.

"If you think we should expel Hyun-su then go ahead and draw a circle. And if you don't think we should draw an X. They put the paper in this box." He continues.

"Obviously he'll be kicked out. So why bother? Raise your hand. I want him out" Exclaims the old man. He looks to the rest of the residents. "Hands up! Hands up!" He then turns to his wife who sat quietly beside him.

"Raise your hand, you cow." He exclaims, raising his hand as if to hit her.

Eunhyuk notices me about to step forward and defend the woman but instead, he moves to stand in front of me. He shakes his head, telling me not to move.

"Well, I vote that he stays." Says a voice, I recognize it to be Eunyu.

"You're way too young to vote." Says the old man.

"Is this an official vote? Age doesn't matter anymore." Eunyu mutters. I nod my head in agreement. Without any laws or politics in play anymore, we had to decide things on our own. And now, with the world in turmoil, we needed every opinion. 

"How dare you talk back to me. You young girls are so disrespectful. When an adult speaks, you should listen." I hear the man yell.

With Eunhyuk still standing in front of me, I don't see what happens, I can only hear the conversations. 

I must have missed what was said next because I am suddenly shocked when I feel an arm link with my own. I looked over, seeing that it was Eunyu who had linked her arm with mine. Eunyu hasn't spoken to me much since we met, so I was kind of confused to see him looking at me like we knew each other for a long time. She wore a smile on her face and she laughed at my confused look. 

"If we survive this, please hurry up and marry my brother. He's too annoying for me to handle on my own."  She whispers before making faces at her brother's back.

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