Chapter 30:

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"Invalid? What does that mean?! Count them again." Yells the old man. He moves to push me aside, attempting to grab the invalid vote. 

Eunhyuk pulls me behind him, out of the man's way. He tosses the vote onto the table, allowing the old man to grab and inspect it on his own. 

The man wore a look of anger before turning back to his wife. "This is all your fault. And yours too, all of you!" He yells turning to everyone else and yelling even more.

"Bring that bastard here. We have to get rid of him." He continues to yell before pushing one of the male residents out of the room. "Voting my ass! Are you all crazy? Did you forget that someone just died?!" 

"Are you against the result?" Eunhyuk questions.

"What? You don't know squat. Murder is killing a human being, not killing a giant fucking monster!" The man yells before reaching forward and flipping over the table that we had been using. The table slams down to the ground loudly. I flinch away, not wanting to be in the way of the old man's wrath. 

At that moment, I knew how serious it was that I hid the knowledge of my nosebleeds. If that boy was treated so horribly for being infected, I knew that I would be treated the same. 

I break out of my thoughts when Eunhyuk grabs Eunyoo and me, pulling us back a step. I then take notice of the sound of liquid falling. I look over, seeing blood flowing quickly out of the old man's nose. It poured like water from a sink. So much blood that it almost seemed impossible for anyone to have a nosebleed that heavy. Impossible for anyone but me. 

The old man's wife started to become panicked, yelling out in concern for her husband." Honey. Honey?!" She exclaims, but she doesn't step forward to offer him any aid.

The room door opens and in walks Hyunsoo. He comes to a stop, right in front of the store owner. "You better brace yourself." He tells the man.

"What?" Asked the old man confused.

"The monsters are coming for you," Hyunsoo says before looking at the table that now lies on the floor. He bends down, picking up one of the votes that had fallen off of the table. "Can I cast my vote too?" He continues, holding up one of the votes. It had a circle on it. meaning it was a vote to kick out anyone who was infected. He holds it over the voting box, about to place it inside.

"If I put this in, he'll be thrown out too, right? Am I right?" Hyunsoo asks. He then turns to face the old man again. But as he turned, I noticed that his eyes were now entirely pitch black. There are a few gasps around the room as other residents take notice of this.

The old man sputters for a few seconds, not able to form a response as he holds his hand over his face to try and stop his nose from bleeding. After a few moments of silence, the man falls to the floor as he passes out. The rest of the residents all stare in shock as we all process everything that has just happened.

Ten minutes later, I stood outside of the arcade, watching as Eunhyuk and Hyunsoo, dragged the old man into the room together. They laid him down on some boxes before Eunhyuk exited the room and closed the door.

Eunhyuk walks to the bathroom so I stay in the hallway, listening in on a conversation that some of the older residents were having.

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