Chapter 12:

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Voices. I could hear voices nearby. My eyes were closed so I didn't see who the voices belonged to.

"It's probably mom and dad, or maybe Dong-hyun and Jeong-hoon are home." I think to myself, thinking about my parents and my older brothers.

However, I was brought from that thought by other voices.

"Move those crates to the door." One voice said.

"Yah, come help me get this machine from the arcade. We can use it to barricade the door." Another voice said.

"Arcade? Barricade? What's going on?" I think to myself.

Suddenly, the memories flash into my mind. Coming to clean my grandfather's apartment. The boy from the stairs. The monsters.

At the memory of the monsters, I remembered the delivery man that was lifted into the air just a few feet away from me. The monster that could have killed me.

I then feel a presence near me, as if someone were leaning over me. My eyes shoot open, and I quickly sit up, banging my head into something.

"Ow!" I exclaim, rubbing my head as I notice the boy from the stairwell. He too was rubbing his head.

I must've banged my head into his, causing us both to be in pain.

"Good. You're awake." The boy says, rubbing his forehead.

"What's going on?" I ask him, looking around and seeing other residents dragging crates and tables to barricade the building's exits.

The boy stands up, offering me a hand. I take his hand, allowing him to pull me up from the floor.

"We need to block off the exits so the monsters can't get in." He tells me.

The woman with the dog then walks up to us then.

"You're the granddaughter of the old man that died in room 807, right?" She asks bluntly.

I cringe slightly, before nodding my head to her.

"It was so strange because I hadn't seen him for a week and then I heard that he died." She continues to say.

"And he mentioned you have some weird condition, right? You always get nosebleeds, it's strange so I didn't believe him. Is what he said true?" She asks me.

Hearing all of this, I began to get overwhelmed. Noticing this, the boy grabs my wrist, turning to the woman.

"We're gonna go help move things." He says, pulling me away from the woman.

"Thanks," I say, as he lets my hand go.

We stop walking, now standing just outside of an arcade that was located at the end of the hall. 

Inside, I could see two male residents trying to wrestle a large game machine from a corner, attempting to bring it out to the main hallway.

"What's your name?" The boy asks me.

"Uhm... Hwang Ji-eun." I say slowly.

"Well, Hwang Ji-eun, I'm Lee Eun-hyuk." He says before he walks away from me.

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