Chapter 14:

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I had to be brave. It's what grandpa would have wanted.

"Well, if you need someone to talk to, I can try-" Eun-hyuk starts to say but is cut off by the loud yelling of the residents down the hallway.

I quickly dry my face of any leftover tears, before heading towards the commotion, Eun-hyuk following right behind me.

We stop at the end of the hallways, seeing everyone gathered around, arguing in front of the stairwell doors. Some residents seemed to want to go upstairs, whilst others were stopping them from doing so.

A banging from the other side of the door stopped the arguing, everyone now turning to watch the door in both fear and curiosity.

"What's that noise?" Someone questions, just as the doorknob slowly turns.

Everyone jumps back in fear as the door slowly swings open, revealing a disheveled-looking man. I then recognize the man from across the hall from my grandfather's apartment. However, my eyes then fall to the blood on his shirt. It appeared to come from a wound on the side of his neck.

I stepped back, back into the hallway. There seemed to be a dangerous aura surrounding the man as if he could do a lot of damage.

"What are you looking at?" He asks, looking around at everyone before attempting to exit.

"Hey, is that a bite mark?" A male resident points out.

"Stop right there!" The short older man yells, before turning to a guy beside him.

"Byeong-Il, Check hi. Go and check him." The short, older man demands.

The man, who I know knew to be named Byeong-il hesitantly stepped forwards. Taking a closer look at the blood on the strange man's neck.

"It's a bite. He's got bitten." Byeong-il exclaims, everyone, jumping back in fear.

The strange man turns around, looking at everyone in what seemed to be disbelief. He scoffs lightly before turning back around to leave. But before he can take a step, the short old man runs up with a taser, tasing the man in the back. I watch the man fall to the floor before my eyes wander over to the open stairwell doors.

As everyone was gathered around the now unconscious man, no one noticed the girl walking out of the stairwell. She too seemed to be covered in blood. But unlike the man, she didn't seem to have a wound on her.

Suddenly, Eun-hyuk walks past me, slipping off his extra flannel shirt and putting it over the shoulders of the girl. I watch this exchange curiously, feeling slightly saddened by the fact that she might have been Eun-hyuk's girlfriend. I shake the thought from my head, realizing how silly I was for getting jealous about a boy that I had just met. Whether that girl was his girlfriend or not, I shouldn't be upset. Especially since we are going through a scary situation. We all had to stick together, now more than ever.

I watch as the girl rolls her eyes, shrugging off the fabric before walking past me and down the hallway. I turn, watching her enter the bathroom. When I turn back around, Eun-hyuk meets eyes with me before quickly walking over to me.

"Please don't say anything to the others. I don't want my sister to be harmed." Eun-hyuk says as he looks over to the now-closed bathroom door.

'Sister?' I think to myself. I subconsciously release a small sigh of relief. If that girl was his sister, then that meant I might have a chance with him. That is if we escaped the current situation at hand.

"Promise me that you'll have my back when I need it," I ask. I already knew I wouldn't say anything about his sister, but I wanted to know he would help me as well.

"What?" He asks, confused by my request.

"Please. I have no one to trust. Just, please promise me." I ask, looking down to the ground now.

"I promise." He says, willing to agree if it meant protecting his sister.

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