Chapter 40: Fred

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Rileys POV

It’s been a week since Wade has returned, mom sends me message every morning and night. When Wade came he apologised for telling mom but I explained I preferred him telling her because I would never bring myself to do it.

We’ve been in doors for a week I was getting restless so I asked if we could go to a park. I helped Evangelene to make sandwiches and snacks. The park was fairly full but we found a somewhat quiet spot and set everything. I carried my camera so I clicked hundreds of pictures. The boys were doing these funny dance moves and Emily was on Wades’ shoulders trying to catch a butterfly. Reece was back at work so we hardly saw him.

Something caught my eye not far from us were swings. But there was a boy not older than 6 sitting there alone. I was afraid he was lost so I went to him.

“Hi angel are you okay?” I crouched down in front of him. He gripped tightly onto the swings chain. He looked at me, eyes wide and full of fear.

“I’m sorry.” He whispers. Before I can ask him why? I felt something sharp against my throat

“You thought you could hide?” A deep sadistic chuckle rumbled in my ears


“Yes sweetheart the one and only. I knew your caring self would one day get you in trouble.” He laughs

“Please let him go.” I begged him. The child was innocently used as bait. I struggled against his grip but each time the knife dug digger into my skin

The boy was silently crying and watching in horror. I made eye contact with the child and directed his attention to where Wade is. He nodded slightly

“Don’t even try to fight back angel, I’ll have your family dead in a minute.” I didn’t dare move

Fred held my arm so tight that I’m sure my blood stopped flowing

I was thrown into a van with two guys on either side of me. They tied my hands and legs, the van sped of which resulted in me flying face first onto the metal door. Once the door flung open I was thrown onto someone’s shoulder as they carried me to a building. I was feeling light headed because all the blood was rushing to my head

He placed me onto a chair the entire room was dark so I didn’t know what kind of danger I’ll be facing. A bright light was shining on me I didn't dare show an ounce of fear. I didn’t want him to get that satisfaction of me being fearful. Instead I had my emotionless mask on. It looked just like the movies I was like a thief about to get interrogated.


“You never listen hmm. Now I’ll teach you a lesson.” He walks and stops in front of me

“Why do you hate me! You have my house and my mother what else do you want!” My anger was getting the better of me. Did I care? Nope

“Your pathetic mother loved you more than anything, I didn’t want to be her second option like before! It’s always Riley this Riley that. I’m sick of it!” He growls

“She always sided with you for everything! She never cared about me she was blinded by her love for you!” *slap*

“You’re dumber than you look. She always loved you but for every single thing she did she was worried what you’ll have to say. So I used you by twisting her mind against you, after that I had everything.”

“Well you succeeded.” I spat out distastefully

“Now my sweet Riley will you cooperate with my instructions or do I have to force you?”

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