Chapter 8- The plan -Part 1

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Riley's POV

Hmm, wouldn't it be great to throw them into a shark tank or even bedazzle them with pink gems and glitter? Nah... I can be mean but to such an extent.

Evil thoughts aside, I think I should grab some pizza for lunch. Luke and Wade followed me to the cafeteria we went straight to the lunch line and waited to be served. I smirked every time I thought of my plan; I can't wait to see the look on their faces when...

"Riley boo please talk to us" Luke pleaded

"Yeah Riley believe us when we say we're truly sorry." Sighed Wade

"C'mon Ry we'r-"

"Alright you're both forgiven" I casually replied

"We- huh? So wait... let me get this straight we only apologised and you uh forgave us?" Wade said unsurely

"See I told you we should've apologised in the first place" Luke said while smacking Wade on the head.

"I swear if you touch me one more time I will bust your head...stupid ass" Wade said. Luke just backed away in surrender

We grabbed our lunch and seated ourselves at Jay and I's usual table apparently the guys prefer to sit with their 'new found buddies'.

Emmette, Jayden and Grayson were already seated. I walked over to the table with a smirk and an evil glint in my eye. I could hear Wade whispering to Luke that's something wrong, and that how it's suspicious that I forgave them so easily. But Luke just said no dude "she's just forgiving, harmless person." How ironic me harmless, forgiving?


Jayden's POV

Class was great I wasn't lonely anymore because I was accompanied by a handsome hunk. Cue *blushing*... anyway I sat next to Grayson and we spoke non-stop he truly is amazing *sigh*. We walked to the café, got our lunch and sat down at the table waiting for the gang to arrive.

I looked up and saw Riley smirking and she had a different kind of mysterious glint in her eye. Something is definitely wrong; she's planning something I don't know if it has anything to do with Wade and Luke because their face shows a mixture of confusion but also relief.

I shakily yet cautiously asked; "Riley, hey? I just eh okay. Is everything alright?"

"Yes darling I'm fine just that I was a bit annoyed these two monkeys" she pointed towards Wade and Luke. "Were worrying me in class" she finishes

"Dude Wade took the pencil she leant him and was poking her side, she got so angry she suddenly woke up and said ' goddammit can you bladdy stop that' Mr Roberts asked if something's wrong she said no and quietly sat down." Luke says while laughing.

I on the other hand laughed nervously. An angry Riley is a bad sight to see.

"But angel forgave us not to long ago, so everything is alright." Wade smiled

I stared at them wide eyed but half smiled, Oh this is far from alright she must've already planned out the revenge.

There was a moment of silence before Grayson broke it. "Well that was mean"

"Yeah guys I honestly don't think you should be messing with Riley," Emmette said and glanced at Riley who already wore a proud smile.

"Yes that's because she's the bad girl of this school" I said. "And can tear you to shreds" I muttered

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