Chapter 34: Home

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Rileys POV

“Welcome Mr Smith your car is ready, follow me.” A petite lady escorted us to our vehicle

Wade was driving and his mom was in the passengers seat. On the plane I learnt that she grew up in Spain so it would be only fair if she gets the front seat view of it. I sat in between Emmette and Jayden because I was ‘fragile' and it would be dangerous if my clumsy self had to fall out the car.

Like dude the door is locked chill.
Anyway Wade drove to a place called Pozuelo de Alarcon. Beautiful and extravagant was an understatement.

These houses wait mansions and everything was amazing! I’m drooling… The boys haven’t been to Spain so they were in shock as well.

“Things have really changed around here.” Evangelene says

“Riley I’m not sure if you know this, I doubt you do but anyway I lived in this neighborhood for a year when I had to start the business. Dad gave me the responsibility of running our family business right here in Spain, so I wrote my exams and stuff online. Momma they were renovating the whole area since that time.” Wade went on explaining how things changed here, everything had a modernized look.

“If the inside of the house is as beautiful as the outside, I may never go back home!” I stated seriously 

“I don’t blame you Riles, I’d do the same.” Luke says blinking rapidly
Wade drove up to a Huge Spin drift colored house, beautiful and lavish wasn’t even the words to describe it.

How did Wade manage living in such a big house alone?
Is it weird that I appreciate and like a good front door? Anyway it looked pretty cool, I walked in and was mind blown.

The interior of the house was grey, I loved how well the color went with everything. The giant chandelier was the cherry on top, Wade was busy watching me I only realized now. God knows how long I’ve been looking at this masterpiece.

“Okay before I show you the features of this house, I decided that we will choose rooms in a specific way. That’s just to avoid any fighting for now. *looks at Luke and Jayden* While you all were busy drooling over the lounge I wrote everyone’s name and left it in the bowl. The one you picked will be your room.” Wade explains, it’s good in a way because I know for a fact these boys will fight

“I’ll choose last thank you!” Maybe I’d be lucky and get a room with a balcony

One by one everyone took turns to pick the folded piece of paper. I picked up the last one and opened it. I had number 4. I showed it to Wade and he smirked- uh should I be worried?

“Who has the master bedroom? Wait what number is it?  Is it 2?” Luke asks eagerly

*chuckling* “It’s room number 4…”

The boys looked around peaking in each others pages. I sat down on the leather couch grinning from ear to ear.  No one noticed until Grayson turned around.

“Riley has the room! Look how she’s smiling! It’s not fair, I wanted to have an iconic Romeo/Juliet scene from the balcony.” Grayson whined. Jayden consoled him but chuckled here and there

I was happy because I knew the boys would get annoyed and want to fight over my room. I shit you not as each of them turned around I wanted to sink into the sofa. Realization washed over me- the master bedroom has a balcony!

I sprinted upstairs not knowing which way my room is, I heard shouting and footsteps but I carried on. I slipped twice but I didn’t worry, I found my room and burst through the door.

Everything was black and dusty blue it was lavish yet simple. I literally skipped towards the balcony, I know I’m over reacting but can you blame me? Balconies can seal you away from the world, you can stand there and admire the stars, there’s so much you can do!

“Do you like it?” Wade asks from behind me. I turned around with a wide smile, my cheeks were starting to hurt.

“I love it! I always pictured my dream bedroom to look something like this.” It’s true, in my spare time I like to plan my future

“I know.” Wade murmured and was walking towards the en-suite. Before I stopped him.

“What do you mean you know?” I was inquisitive, no one knows about my dream bedroom

“Know what?” He nervously asks and cleared his throat. I watched him closely I narrowed my eyes on him. You can say I was staring into his soul

“Wade.” I asked once in a stern tone and raised my eyebrow.  Haa I knew he couldn’t handle my intense stare

“When you was using Pinterest I saw you pinning those two colors. I did plan on bringing you here to Spain so I had gotten this room done weeks back. It was a surprise I didn’t know whether it was going to come out as you had pictured.” Awww Wade *cue crying*

“Marry me.” I blurted

“Huh.” He turns around as my eyes widened. Something clicked in his mind and a giant smirked washed upon his face

“I think I should freshen up now.” I power walked into the bathroom

“Is Riley feeling shy after asking her prince charming to marry her?” Wade laughs

Ugh, did I have to say that aloud? Seems like I have to stitch my mouth shut. But maybe he’ll forget it just now. I freshened up and went downstairs, everyone was busy watching the soccer match. I tip toed past Wade and walked into the kitchen. Evangelene was on the phone speaking to someone, she moved her phone to tell me the groceries was sent in last night.

Emmette asked me to make macaroni and cheese, so I put the macaroni to boil. I hesitantly walked into the lounge and sat on the sofa. I can see Wade smirking from the corner of my eye, he’s definitely up to something. I’m not too clued up when it comes to soccer but rugby yeah I’d be screaming for the match. I was so engrossed in the match that I was on the edge of my seat but suddenly the screen went black.

“What the f-”

“Don’t cuss!” Evangelene shouts

“Okay my lovely family, there’s a reason why I switched the tv off.” Wade smirks

“Could you not wait one more second!” Jayden groans

“This is an important announcement! So today the love of my life had asked me to marry her.” Wade sits back with a goofy smile plastered. Oh how I  wish i could slap it off.


“Wait what?”

“Riley you proposed!”

“Damn Riles I didn’t think you was so eager to marry this idiot.” Luke laughs

I let out a snort; shiesh these boys are idiots.

“Firstly it was in the moment in which I blurted that out. And secondly you make it seem like I went on my knees and proposed.” I narrowed my eyes and twitched my nose

“The fact is you asked him to marry you!” Jayden smirks

“Oh just zip it.” I scowled and walk away

“Awww.” They say in unison

As I strained the macaroni I heard the TV come on. Stupid boys it was in the moment. Not like there wasn’t girls who had proposed before! I kept fusing and next thing I feel big warm hands wrapped around my stomach.

“If you don’t want your hands to get burnt, I suggest you move it away from the stove.” I was annoyed but I still love him so I gave him a heads up. He was inches from touching the hot plate.

He let go and jumped onto the counter, he watched me make my cheese sauce. He was watching me intently.

“Are you going to continue staring at me or will you help?” I asked with a hint of laughter

“What? You can’t kill a guy for learning how to make a yummy sauce.” He says with puppy eyes


I asked him to grate the cheese to add into the sauce. I added the thyme and black pepper, I stirred it and added it into the macaroni. Within minutes it was ready to be served.

I had fun making the food because the boys ended up dancing and singing in the kitchen, Grayson baked biscuits. Jayden began making tiktocks which were a total flop.

After some time, Wade chased them to set the table, we all seated ourselves.

“Thanks for supper Ry!” Everyone said one after each other

“Anytime fam!” Days like this I wish it would never end

I raised my hand to pick up a biscuit, when I heard a knock on the door. A very familiar face entered with a bag. Isn’t that?


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