Chapter 24- Be Mine?

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Wades POV

"Do you guys know how hard it was today? Riley kept questioning about what happen to everyone.
She was so glum too." I say exasperated as I collapse on Lukes sofa

"Well lover boy do you know how hectic our day has been? We actually had things to sort out." Luke snorts

"Lying to Riley is difficult, that girl can force the truth out of you." Jayden shivers "I won't even ask." I wave him off

"Right so here's the plan. We got everything sorted and ready all you have to do is go for the match ,I suggest you go onto the field wave at Riley so she knows you're there. Then we'll distract her while you run away once the game is over the surprise will begin." Grayson explains

"You really have every single detail perfected?" I question

"Yes." They say in unison

"Thank you so much I-"

"Emotional Wade is quite a site if I do say so myself. We've got to get used to this side of him." Emmette laughs. Asswipe.

"Why don't you go checkout everything just to make sure it's all you've wanted." Grayson suggests

"Yeah, okay."

"Once you're done I suggest you get some rest because you have a big day ahead. Don't worry about Riley I'll pick her up tomorrow." Emmette commands. Since he helped out I won't say anything about his tone. I nod and grab my keys.

What will I do without them...

Rileys POV

I am so annoyed at Wade. How dare he leave me alone like that, anyway I can't do anything about it because I'm not his girlfriend. Ouu so sad you gone- shut up, I swear sometimes my conscience is annoying.

I want to be angry at Wade but what's the point. Maybe the guys had some boy issue pertaining to themselves which is why they all went MIA. Nevertheless I need to get dressed for Wades game.

I did my morning routine and dressed my cut, I got used to watching Evangelene. I settled on using my black ripped jeans, a white vest and on top of that Wades jersey. I put my Adidas shoes, gold watch and earing on.

I was feeling fancy that's why I was being a little extra, I curled the tips of my hair so it cascaded down my back in soft twirls. I did my eyeliner and put my nude lipstick on. When I stood in front of the mirror I was surprised I look hot.

Haha that's funny anyway Wades jersey or should I say mine because I'm definitely keeping this. It smelt like him and was comfy plus it made me look cute yet hot.

I walked downstairs and saw Emily at the table busy munching away. When she noticed me her spoon fell out of her mouth, she looked so cute.

"Momma look at Riley!" she screams and runs to me. I instantly blush.

"You look so pretty Ryry." She hugged me

"Aww you look so cute especially because you're using my sons jersey." Evangelene smiles and hands me a glass of juice

"Thank you both. Wade asked me to use this for his match plus I don't know why this day feels so different but in a good way. I'm positive something good is going to happen today." I grin

"Oh if only you knew." She mutters to herself

"Huh?" I look at her. She just waves me off

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