Chapter 9- The Plan- Part 2

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Rileys POV

The day has come the beach now awaits me. Everything is ready so I just need to bath and wait for Wade to pick me up. How great is that? I’m going to travel with the two idiots who I’m seeking out revenge on.

I sloppily got out of bed and went into the shower, I let the cool water run down my body and I visibly felt myself relax. 20 minutes later[ yeah I know I bath for long but shhhh] I got out and I put on some deodorant, my shorts, the bikini top and I put a beach dress over.

I painted my toes royal blue because why not? I towel dried my hair leaving it a bit damp.
I went downstairs with my bag and left it on the sofa. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mum standing by the counter with a cup of coffee in her hand.

After my mom told me those hurtful things that day we didn’t have a proper conversation, she’s changing slowly.

“Morning” I murmured
“Morning, aren’t you supposed to be in school young lady?” she asked me
Stay calm Riley she just asked a simple question.

“I know but I’m busy today,” I replied
“What can be more important than school?”
“I-I just need a break,” I said softly
“Break from what? Homework?” she snickered
“If you actually paid attention to me maybe you’d understand,” I muttered and walked away grabbing a banana in the process.

I got a text from Wade:
W- What’s your address?
R- 48 Richmon Park
W- Will see you just now

15 minutes later
I heard the sound of Wades car drive up. I took my bag and the basket and went outside when  he stopped by the door I put the stuff in the boot and jumped into the front seat.

“Hey guys,” I said
“Hey” “HI babe”
“Don’t call her that” Wade said annoyed at what Luke keeps calling me
“Aww are you Jealous?”
“Can we just leave already! I want to get there early so I can enjoy the sea breeze.”

20 minutes later

We reached our destination… the beach. I saw the other 3 guys already waiting for us, we greeted each other and went about looking for a good place to settle down. Once we found our spot the guys put up the gazebo and set out the chairs. We chilled and spoke for only god knows how long, we even played a game. I was enjoying the few moments of silence until Luke decides to speak.

“Guys we came to the beach and didn’t even go into the water.”
“Then why don’t we go now?” I said
Within seconds the guys took out their shirts

Well damn… I so didn’t stare at Wades abs. I am surrounded by six packs. Isn’t that lovely. A small group of girls walked past giggling and ogling at the guys.

“Uh Riley are you going to swim in that dress?” Wade asked nervously
“Of course no.” showtime…

I turned around and pulled off my dress, my hair band got stuck onto it so my hair got opened in the process.

I turned around and Luke Wolf whistled.

“My sister be looking sexy.” Jayden winked

Grayson and Emmette just smiled but Wade on the other hand his mouth was wide opened its like he was stunned he saw a model or something.

I walked over to Wade and whispered in his ear “You might want to close your mouth a fly can easily go inside.” And I walked away with a wide smirk.

“So are we going to stand here or actually go do some swimming?” I yelled

A group of college boys were setting up their gazebo not far from us. So when they saw me walking towards the water they were whistling and calling out to me to ask for my number.

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