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“Daddy! Jace is eating my marshmallows!”

“Daddy! Devonte is lying!”

“Calm down boys you both have to share. But don’t say the M word so loud! You know how mommy gets.” He chuckles whispering to the babies

“Wade have you seen my marshmallows?” I walked downstairs frowning. I hid my marshmallows because I knew it’ll get eaten. Wade didn’t say anything instead he glances over towards the boys

Hmm my little rascals

“Did you both steal my marshmallows?” I asked both of my sons

“No momma!” They both shouted. Wade sneaked his hand around my waist and chuckled at the scene

“Didn’t I tell you not to lie?” I raised an eyebrow at my sneaky rascals

“We’re not lying!”
“But it’s so tasty!” they both said at once. We started laughing. Always trust Devonte to tell the truth.

“Hmm next time why don’t you ask daddy to buy you both your own ones so you don’t need to fight?” I suggested. They giggled and ran off

“We finally did it beautiful. We have our own small family.” Wade smiles

“Who knew we’d be the parents of two rascals.” Wade and I got married 3 years later that day.

I had Devonte and Jace 5 years after the fight. They are now 7 years old. Wade and the gang flew back to Durban where we finished our senior year and got our lives in order. He opened up other businesses which the boys helped to run. Mom had become a big part of our lives after that she’s always visiting to take the boys out to spoil them.

Mom and Evangelene got close and always planned outings for the whole family. Luke and Emmette were busy with work but still don’t have someone they’re committed too. Jayden and Grayson got married just two years after the fight.

Our wedding was just as perfect as I always dreamt off but that’s a story for another day

“Riley we need to go! Diane’s waiting for the desserts!” Wade screams from the other end of the house. We were just going for lunch with the family.

“Put the boys in the car I’ll be out in a minute!” I shouted back

Fred was charged for multiple things which he’s sent abroad to jail for life. I’m happy he’s no more than a nightmare now.

“Riles you remember that memory box we made? Luke and I was walking there earlier on and I brought it back.” He grins. I remember we wrote our feelings down and what was going on in our life at that point in time. I told him we’d open it before going to bed that night

“I love you Mrs Smith!”

“I love you Mr Smith!”

Since the day we met back in that classroom [yes the one I set alight] I knew he’d be my forever becauseb

He’s my Heartthrob 

Authors note!!!!
Hey loves!! We're at the end of Wade and Rileys journey. It makes me so emotional just thinking about it. Thank you to everyone who has been apart of this journey❤️

Also I'd love to hear your ideas about a new book. If you choose romance it'll be purely that with more cliche and cute scenes. Or a fantasy book about werewolves!!!

Stay safe my lovies❤️❤️❤️

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