Chapter 16- Smirk

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*phone ringing*

"How may I be at your assistance this early in the morning." I mutter sarcastically into the phone.

"*laughing* Morning kiddo, sorry to disturb your beauty sleep. I got a fight scheduled for 10, you up for it?" Scraggz says

*groan* I open my eyes and lay in bed thinking of my decision for a moment. I saw something like a shadow outside my door so I didn't want to risk any info.

"Sure uh you can message me if my delivery is confirmed, I really want my shoes ASAP." I change the topic; I'm sure Scraggy catches on.

"Ah sure kid, I'll see you later. Take care of yourself."

"Yes bye."

___end of phone call___

"Who were you on the phone with?"

"That doesn't concern you Fred." Thank god I didn't mention the fight

"Ah I'm afraid it does, I wouldn't want my angel to be talking to any boys." Fred smirks

"Look, its 6:30 and I need to get dressed for school. It is too early to start arguing so please do both of us a favour and leave." I state calmly

"Oh sweet innocent Riley, you wouldn't want me to teach you a lesson like the last time. I told you to speak to me with respect little girl." He walks into my room and grabs my chin and forces me to look at him.

"I'm s-sorry." I whisper and look away

"You better be, now your mother wants to speak to you make fast and go downstairs." I nod

Fred leaves and I just sigh in relief, my face is sore but it's manageable. I did my daily routine and got changed. My hair as well as Wades is now back to its original colour, turns out the dye was temporary.
But Luke being Luke, he went to the salon to actually dye his hair blonde again.

I got dressed in blue jeans, a white top and Puma shoes. I tied my hair into a bun and put on some makeup. I don't know what's so important that my mom sent Fred to call me. Normally she'll come and call me herself but let us just hope the news isn't bad.

"Morning Riley it's about time you showed up." Mom ushers towards the chair

"Morning mom." I take a seat in front of her; Shanny passes me a cup of coffee

"It has been a while since you've visited your family, I've heard that you've been spending a lot of time with these new guy friends of yours." She raises an eyebrow

"Yeah I made new friends. Get to the point mom." I say confused at this whole situation

"Fred and I have decided that you should go visit his parents and spend some quality time with them." She drops the bombshell and I just stare at her blankly

"Why? Mom why should I go to a place where I am an outsider? You know how they treat me! They hate me so much yet you want me to go spend 'quality'
time with them?" I raise my voice and look at her incredulously

"Watch your tone! I am your mother I decide what is good for you. You did the wrong the last time you visited so you were treated like an outsider!"

"How can you take their part over mine? You always do this to me you take Fred and his families part over mine!" I breakdown at this point. This always
happens I'm always wrong and their always right.


"Looks like you forgot about the respect I instilled in you." She says disgusted

I don't even bother looking at her I run straight to my car and speed off. I nearly knock 2 cars as I drove. My eyes is gone all red and puffy, I look sick.
I need to go to school but I can't go looking like this.

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