Chapter 31- Forced

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Rileys POV

I screamed as I was awoken by someone grabbing my hair. Fred held a chunk of my hair in his hand, he yanked on it until I was standing in front of him.

“Didn’t I tell you I want you to eat your food and be dressed? Was I not clear!” He spat

“I fell asleep, I didn’t disobey your orders.” I say to him emotionless. I remove my hair from his grip and moved back

“Who asked you to sleep then huh? Eat your food and get dressed, we leave in an hour.” He points to the food before slamming the door

I let out a sigh. If I was in any other situation I would run away at the first chance, but since I’ve been captured by this ape I’ll just have to obey him.
I want to be stubborn and not eat the food but I don’t need a replay of what happened years ago


It was shortly after my dad died, my mom moved on quicker than I thought. One day my mom had invited Fred over before they were married. I wasn’t excited to meet him, not only he wasn’t my father but he gave off bad vibes. But I didn’t want to judge at that time.

My mom cooked roast and Fred brought his ‘famous’ seafood dish. When he asked me to taste it I softly refused because I’m allergic to seafood, his whole demeanour changed he gave me a glare before looking at my mum with a smile.

He asked me again to try it and I once again refused. My mother decided to give me a small helping of Freds food despite knowing I can’t eat it. That’s the day I realised my mom was changing, when I looked at her with disbelief she glared at me.

Despite everything Fred asked me in a low threatening tone to eat his food, I got angry and told him no! Mom apologized to him and screamed at me.

I regret doing that because soon after I went into my room Fred entered without knocking and pushed me against the wall with his hand around my neck.

“When I ask you to do something in the future I expect you to listen.” He seethed. He pushed me once more before dropping his hand.
I struggled to breathe I became a coughing mess.

“You will not speak a word of this to your mother. Even if you do all I have to say is her daughter is trying to keep us apart. And who you think she’ll believe after that stunt you pulled?” He smirks

“If you ever disobey me we will have a remake of what happened and next time I won’t be so gentle.” Fred smiled and left my room

I cried and cried till I couldn’t anymore. I walked past my mirror and saw the hand mark on my neck.

End of flashback

He never lied when he said the next time he wouldn’t be gentle. For the smallest of things he would hit me push me or make me do something or the other for him. That’s why on my 14th birthday I couldn’t handle any more. I ran to the gym where I met Scraggy, streetfighting kept me alive. I felt for once that I belong in this sad world.

I wiped my tears and ate the food. I had a long hot shower and changed into my fighting attire. I don’t understand how he got my clothes and mask, I’m sure I hid it perfectly. But I think he emptied my cupboard completely.

I put my lipstick and mask after sorting my hair. I sat on the bed and got lost in thought. I’ve never lost a fight and I don’t plan on anytime soon. But if I were to slip up then Fred will harm my loved ones. I didn’t see my mother in a couple of weeks, I don’t know if she thought about me. Anyway I’m more concerned about Wade and my new family.

God I put my trust in you. You’ve never failed me in any of my wishes. I just ask of you to protect me along with my friends/family.

My door opens revealing Fred and his bodyguards.
“Tie her up and bring her.” He instructs to the

They roughly shoved me into the vehicle. After half an hour the car stopped, they took off my blindfold and pulled me out of the car.

“I had scheduled you for 2 matches you will make it your duty to win and your money will be my reward. Try any funny business and I won’t be afraid to put a bullet in you.” Fred tells me as he walks away in his new suit.

I haven’t been to this place, I have travelled to other places to fight but I don’t recall coming here.

“We will take you to your room.” Chubby bodyguard says

All fighters normally be in one big room, some go into the gym to train and big time fighters like myself get our own room. Privileged I know.
Soon enough it was my time to fight
I held my hoodie tighter than ever. I was nervous to fight after a long time but soon enough my cold façade was on and I was ready to fight.

“Welcome everyone to another night of fighting. We have a surprise appearance of one of thee best fighters known in our country. Today’s matches will be broadcasted live on fightrinc.  Channel 543, thanks to the main event we are able to now broadcast internationally. Sit back and have a blast. Give out your loudest round of applause to our surprise guest. Bellatrix!” The announcer speaks as I walk into the ring. 

I spotted Fred in the crowd looking at a huge man in a blue suit and cigar in his hand. He turns his head and smirks. As I scanned the crowd to see the type of people there I saw it was civilized people not the dangerous ones I’m used to but hey I won’t judge. I didn’t fail to notice a neon green shoe sneaking into the room. That’s awfully suspicious.

“In this corner we have Bellatrix who’s known for her ruthless fighting and techniques. And in this corner we have Dozer- woah there Dozer you looking buffer than usual. Anyway we have 1 round so whoever passes out or taps out wins! Let the fight begin.”

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