Chapter 25- Your nose will fall off

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Rileys POV

Who would believe that I'd have a boyfriend? I mean I've always thought I'd be incapable of love. When Wade gave his speech I was amazed no one would've ever thought that a guy like him could be so emotional and courageous. This truly is the start of our new adventure.

This has been one hell of a week from me getting hurt to almost dying, to moving in with the Smiths. And now I'm dating Wade, my life is one huge rollercoaster. Well after the match we went to have a late lunch. It was awkward in a way because Wade sat next to me and his mom sat opposite.

The guys were seated beside us; don't get me wrong I love them all but I doubt the thought of Evangelene being my mother-in-law had sunken in.

We left straight after that because I needed time to pack my bags, Jayden made it pretty clear that I take hours to pack one suitcase. So here I am right now sitting on Wades bed thinking what I'm suppose to use. Maybe I could sneak through my back door and get some clothes?

"Don't think so hard your nose will fall off."

"That doesn't even make sense." I look towards the door and chuckle

"Well that doesn't matter, anyway were you thinking of me? Well I guess your wish came true because here I am." Wade sloppily makes his way to the bed and plops himself on it.

"Actually I'm thinking what I should do because I hardly have clothes here." I explain while playing with his hair

You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this, his hair is super soft and shiny. I just couldn't help myself I had to touch his hair and by the looks of it he felt good. He left out a soft yet deep moan, his head was slowly falling down so I knew he was falling asleep.

I admired him while running my hand through his hair, what made him gain the confidence to do what he did? He remembered something because he opened his eyes and jumped off the bed.

"Wade! For heavens sake what's wrong with you!" I tried to stop my racing heart

"Sorry." He smiles sheepishly but laughs once he turns around. He walks towards his cupboard before pulling out a bunch of bags

"I knew you'd be in need of new clothes so I sent my mother to grab a few things for you. If you don't like any you can swap it for something else. Also my hoodies and shirts are there if you need them." He places the packets at my feet on the bed. I sat there looking at them in awe. Reality comes crashing in a second too soon.

"Wade! Do you how expensive these are? There's so much, don't get me wrong I love new clothes but-" I'm instantly cut off by a pair of warm lips

He settles his hands onto my waist after placing my hands around his neck. We shared a blissful 2 minute kiss before pulling apart.

"I could get used to this." He whispers while panting

Me too Wade, me too.

"Riley so how do you like your- oh my. Sorry!" Grayson bursts in, he realises what was happening so he stood at the door blocking his eyes

"You can open your eyes, we're not doing anything." Our faces were as red as the Vietnamese Flag

"Uh I came to ask if you like your clothes." He awkwardly says looking at the window

"I was just about to see them." I said, he scoffs and smiles

"You're going to love it!" he grins before leaving

"Remind me to lock the door the next time." He runs his hand down his face

I walked to the bed and emptied each bag. Let's just say I was amazed, I had jeans, shorts, dresses, off-shoulder tops. A separate bag had jewellery and a pair of heels and sneakers.


"Riley what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Wade panics, he crouches in front of me and holds my hands. I throw myself on him and hug him tightly, I had full tears in my eyes.

"Baby, shhh. It's okay I'm here." He softly says into my ear. I sat back and pulled him onto the bed.

"I'm sorry I got emotional, it's just that the last time I ever got this much stuff was when my dad bought them. Don't get me wrong I can afford them but I-I *breathes heavily*... no one has done something like this before."

"Baby, I understand but you need to know that things like this are going to happen in the future. At any point of time I'll just go on a shopping spree for you. " He says and wipes my tears

"But these things are so expensive you shouldn't have spent-"

"Don't worry about that, I'm practically a business owner. At this time I'm making the money, which I will spend on us and on building our future." He looks into my eyes and confesses

"Wade..." I whine. Sweetness overload.

"I'll call Jayden to help you pack." Wade leaves the room, I'm still in a haze. There's so much of stuff!

"Damn Riley you sure are one lucky girl." Jayden walks in and whistles.

With the help of Jayden I had my suitcase ready. The guys crashed at Wades place so that we all would be on time for tomorrow. Luke and Grayson had a debate as to where I should sleep tonight. They all ganged up on us and made us sleep in separate rooms.

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