Chapter 1- Getting to know the Queen

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Riley's POV

My ideal Monday morning consists of me sleeping in, not being shaken what 5:30? "What the fu-"

"You better watch what you say missy."


"Oh good morning mother how are you on this splendid day?" I asked in the sweetest tone possible.

"I would be terrific if my darling daughter actually woke up and got ready for school," she said while wacking me with my pillow

My name is Riley Mathews, I am 17 years old, I'm in the 12th grade. I have long brown hair, hazel eyes and a pear shaped figure. There's one tiny thing I have to mention. I am a streetfighter I go by the name of Bellatrix. No one besides my best friend and manager know my true identity. Sure I have tattoos but no one would expect the quietest person in school to fight.

Meet my mom her name is Diane Mathews, she's the coolest person you'd meet just don't piss her off. Then there's my dad my angel up in heaven, he was murdered 3 years ago. 1½ years later my mom remarried a guy named Fred he is cruel, disrespectful and plain down horrible. I refer to him as 'devils spawn'

"Alright momma I'll see you downstairs in a few." I quickly run to my closet trying to find my clothes. *knock* *knock*
"Mam, your mom asked me to give this to you."

Oh this is cute as hell it's a red top, black jeans and black Nike shoes.
"Shanny I told you call me by my name and thank you for,"I motioned towards my clothes.

I quickly do everything thats needed for my morning routine, which includes making my bed, taking a bath and changing. I grab my leather jacket, phone, car keys as well as my bag and jog downstairs.

A delightful smell invaded my nostrils, yumm pancakes. "Can I have 2 pancakes momma bear,"

"Here you are eat up and get your pretty little butt moving to school." Ugh school *cue an overdramatic sigh*

"Bwy mahum." I took one last bite and sprinted towards my Audi R8. As I approached my car I heard my mom yell, "Don't speak with your mouth full!" I just laughed it off

I did a silent prayer to thank God for giving me the strength to wake up and for allowing me to have a good morning without feeling the wrath of the devils spawn. As I drove to school I thought about how my day would go about. Maybe there would be more snobby cheerleaders or more cocky egotistic football players. When I got to school i then parked my car, I was about to go through the school corridor before I was tackled by my gay bestfriend Jayden.

"Jay what the hell is wrong with you, I could've died." I cried out while holding my chest. *cough* "drama queen" *cough*

"Shut up Jay " I squinted my eyes at him

"Babes how is you?" I asked

"I'm as fine as Francisco Lachowskis body,"he winked. I just shook my head and smirked

"Psst, have you seen the 'hotties' as yet?" The hottie is actually the 3 bad boys of our school but from what I heard another one has returned to finish his matric year. Apparently he was away for a year to see to his dads new business in Italy. So its actually the 4 bad boys, they are fricken handsome.

"Actually I haven-"

"Eeep, there they are!!"he squealed

"Breathe Jay, just breathe they're just boy-" dammit why is he always interrupting me, I huffed

"They are not boys sweetheart but rather handsome hunks." I laugh at what he says. But he is right they are quiet handsome

**** Author's Note****

Hiii guys...

This is my first book I'd really appreciate it if you'd stay and be apart of Riley and Wade's journey.

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Stay tuned to see what happens next

Follow me on Instagram: Adi_sewpaul

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