Chapter 28- Kidnapped

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Rileys POV

Dear lord please protect me. I don't know where they're taking me to.

Oh god I hope this is not one of Fred's antics. W-wait I hope Fred didn't find out about Bellatrix? No it can never be! I'm always extra cautious. If it's not him maybe it's Blade. They both hate me so it doesn't make a difference.

"Oww!" "Be gentle for heaven's sake!" I squealed and wriggled in someone's hold

"Shut up! We are just doing our job." Someone says

"Well be more gentle. I'm not a toy!"

"Will you stop shouting! Usually people keep quiet when being kidnapped. But you, can't seem to zip it." The grouchy man spits out

"No shit, being kidnapped ain't no fun and games." Right Riley just cooperate don't talk back

"If I hear one more word out of your mouth girl, I'll throw you off this cliff." He snarls

"Firstly we are in the ocean, there isn't any cliffs here." I cheekily rebuttal

"At least the sharks won't have to search far for food." He clicks his tongue

"How cute."

Let me clear up the confusion. As Wade carried me to our room he got hit on the head which left him unconscious, then someone held something to my nose in which I inhaled. I jabbed the person in the ribs but it was of no use.

Last I remembered being lifelessly carried away. It was funny how I was semi conscience of what was happening. When I actually wake up I could smell the ocean. My eyes were covered with a cloth and my hands were tied. So back to what just happened, I am in the middle of arguing with my dumb kidnapper. Fun isn't it?

Only someone as stupid as me can pass snarky comments to my 'kidnapper'. For all I know old

McDonald could've kidnapped me and wants to take me to his farm

"Roman cool down. If anything happens to her boss will have our heads on his wall." Roman? His name doesn't suit his personality. His accomplice tries to calm him.

"So where are we-"

"ENOUGH!" He screams


Wades POV

Ahh shit, my head feels like an elephant stepped on it. I peeled my eyes open, only to find a very worried Grayson staring at me.

"Grays what the hell happened man- where's Riley?" I sat up in panic. I noticed I was in a room.

"Uh she well-" he clears his throat "I don't know, the others went to look for her." He says

"What do you mean? She was right here with me just a second ago." I jumped out of the bed and held my head

"Wade, just breathe okay? Lets go back to your room, I'm sure they must've found her by now." Grayson says. I nodded and walked back to the room.

I have such a terrible headache but that's the least of my worries.

I walked in my room only to find Emmette shouting into his phone and Luke busy speaking to what seems to be the captains mate (second in command).

"Can someone tell me what's going on!" I was getting agitated, I needed some piece of information

"Riley is missing and from what we know she's been kidnapped. I already contacted some people who are just about to start the search." Emmette says after putting his call on hold

I clenched my fist and started breathing heavily.

Control Wade control. Part of me wants to break something and the other wants to just break down in frustration. I dropped down to my knees, I feel guilty I promised I'd protect her and now look at the situation.

I felt a comforting hand on my back. *sigh*

"I need to find her! Turn this ship around!" I said somewhat calmly

"We are in the process of heading back Mr Smith, we are just waiting for confirmation from the captain." The mate speaks

"We are losing time, for all I know Riley could be injured right now!"

"Wade, I just watched the footage of what happened and there was two people who attacked you. Riley tried fighting back but they held a cloth to her nose, they then left the ship through a speedboat. From what I put together it was a planned thing because the boy that Luke beat up was part of the gang in the footage, he held his stomach and limped away while looking around frantically. Plus his partners was the same people that cornered Riley." Jayden enters the room and begins explaining

"Someone find out at what time the boat left. Mate, how many speedboats does this ship have?" Emmette enquires

"I can get you that information and we have two emergency speedboats." He informs us before leaving

"We will find her Wade, this is our promise to you. Riley is a strong girl she'll be fine." Grayson tries to convince me

"Jayden is there any information you have from Rileys past that may help us find her location." Luke asks him

"Not that I know off but-" "Wade this may be part of Fred or Blades plan. They're the only two people that I know off." Jayden realises and tells me. My blood turns ice. I'm infuriated beyond words.

"IF THIS IS TRUE I SWEAR OATH ON MY LIFE I WILL END THEIR EXISTENCE!" Fuck! Just when things were going to start falling in place everything had to be ruined. Riley was at my house mainly to be protected from him but he still found a way to get her!

"We need to get to Rileys house as soon as possible. Maybe there's something there that can help us, there's one thing I'll never forget about Fred, he's clumsy when it comes to hiding his plans. He may have a letter or note thrown in his room. But Diane might be there so I'll need someone to guard the entrance so I can sneak in and possibly speak to her gardener one time." Jayden explains his plan

"That's some sort of progress, we just need the boat and we'll be there by morning." Luke states

"Get your bags packed and meet back here in 5 minutes." I said

Once everyone was ready they came back to my room. We each made a phone call or sent out a message to anyone who may be of some assistance to us. The mate returned shortly and made me sign 2 pages of paperwork for safety reasons and granted us permission to use the boat.

"Guys? Does anyone know how to even operate a speedboat?" Jayden asks slightly amused

"We didn't really think about that first did we?" Emmette says and scratches the back of his neck

"I have a boat license, I got it last year." Grayson says slowly

"Really? I owe you man, you're a life saver." I said honestly. What would I do without my boys by my side

I asked them to go to the boat while I added some ointment I got for my head I thereafter just sat on my bed and just prayed.

I'm finally happy for once and now my happiness is being taken away. I really love this girl and I want her to be my first and last love. A stray tear ran down my cheek in which I quickly wiped away,

I need to get my mind right and be strong. I will find you Riley even if it's the last thing I do.

God I beg of you protect Riley at all costs please, give her the strength she needs. I will set everything right soon, I just need her to be okay


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