chapter five.

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 “We’ve scheduled your interview for 2 o'clock this afternoon, is that okay?” The woman explained on the other end of the phone. My mood was greatly heightened by the fact that I finally had a job interview. I was surprised at how fast they had gotten back to me too. Now I could actually start earning money in order to provide a better life for my daughter and I couldn’t be more overwhelmed, although there was the slight problem with the fact that I hadn’t actually got the job yet.

“Yeah that sounds great, thank you” I replied politely. We then said our goodbyes and I placed the phone back down on the stand before literally pumping my fists in the air.

“Who was that?” Oliver queried as he sat in his usual position in the armchair, it was beginning to get quite strange at just how many times he decided to come to my house and it seemed as though whenever he wasn’t at work, he just showed up for no reason.

“I’ve got a job interview!” I screamed with excitement, causing Oliver to jolt in his seat. I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact I had made him jump but I could not be more delighted as he got up and lifted me off the ground.

“Ah well done Becks!” He said, squeezing my tiny frame softly then gently placing me on the ground again. I felt my heart swell with joy because I knew this was the first step to actually being successful. I had spent my life constantly being dragged down by other people saying that I’m not good enough or smart enough to do something with my life, well I was about to prove them wrong.

“When is it?”

“This afternoon” I chirped, “Which means you might have to look after Gabi for me…” I gave him my best impression of a small, puppy look as I gazed up at him. I had already asked way too much of him but right now I was too happy to care.

He let out a low chuckle and rolled his eyes, evidently my persuasive expression was working a treat.

Fine” Oliver replied in an amused tone, dragging the word out excessively. I gave him a thankful grin and wrapped my arms around his neck in a familiar way.


“You’re my best friend, you know that?” I giggled; our faces unusually close together. I had never understood why we had actually become friends in the first place because when I first met him, he was one of the shyest, little nerds I had ever met. However I managed to corrupt him and show him how to loosen up a little, something I think he was grateful for in the long run.

“And you’re mine too.” He stated, before I unlatched my arms from him and stood gawking at him for a moment. I really admired how gentlemanly and kind he was even after me constantly asking him for favours and allowing him to practically take care of me.


Just then Gabi rushed into the living room carrying several rainbow coloured plastic ponies that I recognised well. She flailed them around in the air and began to shriek wildly at me,

“Mummy! Mummy! Come and play ponies with me please!” She grabbed hold of the bottom of my shirt and began tugging it softly, trying to drag me into her bedroom. I found this incredibly cute and I desperately wanted to sit down and play games with her, but I had something much more important to do, something that would change our futures for the better.

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