chapter twenty eight.

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“Becks, what the hell is wrong with you!?” He shouted, stepping out of the lifts. I flinched at the intensity of his powerful voice and shot him an annoyed frown.

“Look it wasn’t―”

“Three weeks! Three weeks we’ve been here and you’ve already gotten both of us fired… I mean for god’s sake!” He threw his arms up in rage. I was very shocked by Oliver’s temper. I had never seen him this way before. Well that was a lie. He had gotten pretty angry the night he told me he was leaving for Ireland, but I guess we had both said some pretty nasty things then.

But right now, I was innocent. I hadn’t done anything that wasn’t totally necessary. I had to hit Dominic simply because he was forcing himself onto me. Oliver never let me explain this though because his furious rant continued.

“You know you never think about anyone other than yourself, do you? That’s always been your problem... it was like this before. You always have to come first and where do I come into it Becks? I put myself on the line to get you this job, I moved back from Ireland, I let you spend my money and then you get me bloody fired? I mean… are you honestly that selfish?”

“If you would just let me―“


“I don’t want to hear it Becks! I don’t want your fucking pathetic excuses… what are we going to do now, huh?”

“I-I don’t know… but it’s―”


“You let your anger get the best of you, yet again, and look at the consequences, I thought you would have learnt something from what happened with Gabi!”


“Don’t you dare mention Gabi!” I cried, finally letting my anger burst out of me. I wouldn’t let him speak to me this way. It was ridiculous.

A wave of sadness hit me when I thought of my innocent little girl. Sleeping with Dominic was what got me into this mess in the first place. Technically, everything was down to him. God I wish I had done something more than just knee him in the balls. He needed to feel more pain.

“It’s the truth though, isn’t it? You never learn from your mistakes… you just keep on making them…”


“W-why are you being like this?”

“Because it’s so bloody tiring Becks…” Oliver sighed loudly before he grabbed my arm and took me into the lift. His forehead was creased considerably and there was silence all the way down to the bottom floor. I think he had as many anger issues as I did. Perhaps I had had this effect on him. He was the one that hung around with me when I struggled to contain my rage. I always had been a bad influence on him.


Our journey back to the flat was deadly silent as well. I didn’t know what to say, I needed to tell him what really happened in Dominic’s office but I was scared he would explode again. I didn’t want him to hate me. I didn’t want to lose my best friend, not when I had only just gotten him back.

Oliver clicked open the flat door and moodily trudged inside. I followed close behind, looking solemnly at the ground. I watched as he slumped down on the sofa and placed his head in his hands. He looked so drained and I felt sorry for him for a moment, but I was also angry at how out of control he had gotten.

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