chapter nine.

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Even though I was determined to be more independent, I still couldn’t help seeking comfort from Oliver. He was after still my very best friend and although I had vowed not to ask him for anymore favours, it didn’t stop me from going to his flat.

I also thought it would made a nice change seeing as he is constantly being the one who comes to visit me rather than me going to see him. I had had to go fairly early though because obviously I was taking Gabi with me and I needed to make sure we were home for her bedtime. She had a solid routine that simply had to be fulfilled otherwise there was no hope for her ever going to sleep. With this in mind, I knew that this visit could only be a quick one.

However as Oliver answered the door to Gabi and I, his expression instantly told me something wasn’t right. It was as though he didn’t want us to be there, which I found slightly hypocritical considering how many times he had turned up on my doorstep unexpectedly.


He frowned slightly, giving me a curt hello before allowing me to come inside with Gabi toddling happily by my side. As I gazed around his apartment, I couldn’t help but be drawn to the stacks of large cardboard boxes that were positioned in various around the living room. This was when I put two and two together and realised why Oliver hadn’t been too thrilled to see me.

“You’re moving?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow as I turned to face him.

“Well… I…err”

“Where to?” I asked curiously before it suddenly clicked inside my head as I remembered the conversation we had had the night Wilf had left. And by the sorrowful look painted across Oliver’s face I knew that I was correct.

“Oh my god, you’re going to Ireland aren’t you?”

His stare didn’t meet my mine when I said this, it actually seemed as though he was trying to look at anything except me.

“Yeah…” He mumbled finally, his eyes now fixed on a spot behind me. My heart began to hammer against my chest as I truly thought about the consequences of Oliver leaving. He was practically the only person I had left who cared about me, expect for Sarah but I don’t think she would be willing to help me to the extent that he has.


Without him, I was going to be lost. He had been there for me for so long that it was frankly impossible to think about coping with him not being there. On top of this, I felt hurt that he hadn’t told me about it when we were supposed to tell each other everything.

“You weren’t even going to tell me?” I said my voice straining slightly as I dragged myself away from my painful thoughts.

“I was but I-I…”

“But you what? Forgot? You f-forgot about me…” I whispered, my tone beginning to wobble a bit as I tried to hold myself together. It was then that Gabi let go of my hand and went to sit down on the rug in the centre of the room, evidently bored with the conversation we were having, although I was quite glad because I didn’t want her to hear everything I was about the say.

"No Becks of course I didn’t forget, I could never forget about you…" He explained calmly, folding his arms across his chest in a stubborn way.

“Then why are leaving?” I queried harshly, “When are you leaving is a better question?” I held my breath waiting for an answer because whatever he said was going to be too soon. He had already started packing his belongings away, so he must be eager to move on and leave me.

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