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Stick: ...Dang 

Captain: What is it now? 

Stick: *grimly* We're in for a treat 

Stick: *tosses card* 

Captain: I'm sure it's not that bad 

Captain: *reads card* 

Captain: Oh 

Captain: It is that bad 

Stick: I suggest you run 

Captain: Yep 

OrangeBeano: *walks up with knife* For me? 

Stick: Oh shit oh shit 

Stick: *rUNS AWAY* 

OrangeBeano: Ooooooh

OrangeBeano: *stabs everyone* 

Stick: *dying* The dare said a l m o s t everyone 

OrangeBeano: And that is why I'm not stabbed 

Stick: Psychopath 

OrangeBeano: Thank you 

OrangeBeano: I'll take that as a compliment 

Stick: Also didn't you have to like sing or something 


OrangeBeano: *smiles* 

Stick: Yeah nvm creepy enough without the song

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