[R/D]chapter thirty nine: poppers.

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(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I open my eyes, coughing from the dust i kicked up, looking above me, theres a hole, at least 12 feet from me.

"Hello?! Hey!!"
I scream, two heads pop up from above.

"sheit, how the hell did ya go and do this?!"
River yells.

"The ground caved in...i think im in a basement!"
I yell.

"FEHK, just...we'll getcha outta there!"
River says, before i answer, a sound comes to my ears.

Its like gargling, but...really deep, and it sounds painful.

"What the.."
I mumble...it doesnt sound like los muertos, any breed I've heard.

I back away and crouch under a tall shelf, looking at a metal door, and a large, pink and black dotted thing wobbles in. it gargles and tilts down, black ooze pouring from holes in its stomache.

"(Y/n)?! (Y/N)!!"
River yells, the monster stops in its tracks, wobbling towards the hole im standing under, i quickly crawl farther back, watching as the bloated and puss covered monster wobbles towards the hole.

"Wh...we're comin', stay alive!"
River says, i can hear them and Noah's footsteps, they get farther and farther.

It cant see me...im barely inches away, and it cant see me...its eyes, theyre covered in that black ooze, maybe...its blinded by it?

I make a very big risk, getting up and tiptoeing towards the metal door it came from, it snorts and gargles, looking right at me, i grab an empty bucket and throw it across the room, it makes a sound resembling a pig and wobbles towards the sound, letting me make a quick escape.

I whisper, closing the door i came from, locking it...althought that thing could probably break it down, itd only give me time.

"River, are you here..?"
I whisper, walking around the dusty and moldy hallway, i open another door on the end of the hallway, and a more human like growl responds, its just one of los muertos...fuck, that's probably worse than anything right now, those make a hell ton of noise.

The silence seems to boom as i creep, praying to any gods i can think of that i don't knock something over or sneeze...where are they? Noah could make it, hes fast...could River be here? I need both of them here before a bump in the night attracts that thing to me.

I sneak towards another room and step in, trying to be quiet because of what awaits across the hall, although when a quiet chattering begins, i immediately try to walk out, but its too late...one of Los Muertos let out their sickly scream.

I groan, gripping my axe tightly.

Banging noises echoes the large concrete room, i try to find a hiding spot, but with Los Muertos, they'd drag me out, or at least make noise towards my direction, what do i do...?!

Its too late, and the monster bursts the door off its hinges, wobbling quickly towards me, i think quickly and grab the screaming rotten monster beside me, throwing it at the big one, my first thought is that It'll bump into it, recognize the smell, and forget i was here...but it grabs los muertos and tears it in half.

I make no haste in running out the door behind it as its hands are full, Its shrieking and gargling just barely behind me. if i slow down, im gone, but my legs burn from this pace...i was trained to do this, why the fuck does it hurt so badly??

I scream, running into another room, quickly locking the door, but once again, I've picked a room with no hiding spots...Fuck.

I fall on my ass, sitting on the other end of the room, as the door bursts down, i curl into a ball, i cant fight it, not with how easily it tore that other one in half...im overpowered.

"Alright...you got me."
I mumble, holding my axe in my hand, it wobbles towards me and continues to make horrible sounds.

...fuck this, im hitting it, even if it does rip me in half, I'll be taking a chunk of its neck off with me.

"But i got you too, motherfucker.."
I say, smiling a bit.

Just as it becomes inches away, a loud whistle comes and goes, and the monster falls on its side, looking at its head, it has....an arrow, right in its rotting brain.

"Fehk, i heard ya scream, then...you were quiet...i-i thought.."
River falls to their knees, pulling me in a tight hug.

"I-i thought i was too late, that id see yer corpse...fehkin popper got the drop on us..."
River mumbles.

Popper...thats what River warned us about, i guess i met one before the rest of the group.

"I-im alright...thank you."
I say.

"Yer gonna be the death of me..."
River mumbles.

"Vise versa River."
I say, they chuckle and stop hugging me.

"Me 'an the rot found an engine down here, lets go get it, then yer arse is going back to the hotel...scared the fehk outta me."
River says.

"Alright, lets go....i hate basements."
I mumble.

"I think ya caused me to hate 'em too."
River says, laughing.

Toby POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oliver stopped looking, i convinced him to eat, the less time he looks, the better my chance is that we'll leave before he finds Sam...or whats left of him, the pavement did a number on him.

"What if he ran away...? he couldve been overwhelmed...he did that so much as a kid, he'd...run, when the kids made fun of him, hed cry and run out, we'd have to find him before night..."
Oliver mumbles.

"If he did, its his choice, he could be heading to Denver himself, he knows where we're going, so if he wants to see us, he'll go there."
I say.

"Yeah...i just hope he'll survive the way there."
Oliver mumbles...oh, you have no idea pal.

"Im sure (y/n) and the others will be here, just...Dont stay here if we cant find him by then, its torture and you know it, i wont be that yes man, worst case scenario theres a reason we didnt hear from him after we went looking for the dead."
I say.

"...i hate hotels."
Oliver whispers.

"Yeah..me too."
I say.

The door of the dining room slams open, and the three of our group stand behind it.

"We got the truck's engine, now get off yer ass and go outside!"
River says, crossing their arms.

I look over to (y/n), whos covered in dust and...black ooze.

"What the hell happened to you?"
I ask.

"I fell down a hole!"
(Y/n) says with a small smile, Noah just nods, he looks like he's been through hell...what the fuck happened?

Oliver said.

"Howd the search go...?"
(Y/n) asks.

"We think Sam got overwhelmed by the group and went to find Denver himself, so...lets go there quickly."
I say, (y/n) walks up to Oliver and puts their hand on his Shoulder.

"Its weird, i guess both of us are looking for somebody now."
(Y/n) says, before walking out.

Oliver mumbles.

"Ah...lets ignore that, the trucks working?"
I ask River, they grin.

"Yep, but i dunno how long she'll go, so lets go now and pray to all yer gods we'll get there."
River says.

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